
"New Covenant Fulfillment- Part 10 "Prayer insights"

3/1/2023 2am (WIP) More revisions on the way.

We hope this newsletter finds you well and thriving in your walk with Christ.
We want to share with you some prayer insights that we believe can help deepen your relationship with Christ, and strengthen your faith. Today I was debilitatingly sick but fully capable of being able to put my time in prayer for you all. I do suspect though, it was not physical in nature, but a supernatural response of the burden I'm reminded of taking ground, and staying faithful to God's vision on our platform created a more ready reference in my toolset to share with you here. I have had the same attack early last month. My hands closed, my body froze, but then was comforted greatly with witnesses present. Since then, my prayers, word life and intercessions have taken on a whole new level. Before this, I was wanting to stop all of this. Every time I fast, I'm not expecting God to move now as much as I realize I'm about to encounter His greatness, and I have to relinquish things to Him in order to advance upon the mission I am called to uphold. If supported, and love is added to my burden, we embrace our dear volunteers with our highest opinion. If Christ is represented in my commitment, I don't have to plead for a move of God. It is an open invitation. Its what true servants have to commit to, or it never gets off the ground God's way, and only leads to empty programs that fail to bring God's glory!

~CDCS RESEARCH, Kevin Simon.

One thing we've discovered is that the Spirit of God enables us to truly know who Christ is. However, anything that keeps us from hearing God's voice also keeps us from experiencing the fullness of Christ. The enemy often tries to distract and deceive us with incomplete lies, but we must focus on the truth of God's confirmation and walk in complete faith.

In the New Covenant, correction is not about rebuking us in the way we might think. Instead, it's God's way of showing us where our dysfunction disagrees with His complete voice over our lives. This correction helps us to live in agreement with the Spirit's response and confirm His fullness in our spiritual lives.

We must also remember that we don't have to rely on our own strength or weaknesses in the flesh. Christ's eternal power and victory have answered our broken cries and given us what we need to live in agreement with the Spirit's response. It's not about shame or following the law, but about living in the power and victory of Christ.

When we feel weighed down by our weaknesses, it's important to bring them to God in prayer. He wants to intervene and break through with healing and Gospel power. We must also understand our spiritual authority before Christ and deal with any spirit of judgment, condemnation, or accusation in the freedom of the New Covenant.

In all of our struggles, we can take comfort in knowing that we are in Christ and that He is with us in every storm. We must learn to recognize His unchanging voice and distinguish it from the voice of our flesh or the enemy's distractions. Even when we don't feel anything happening, we can trust in His sufficiency and completeness to carry us through.

We hope these insights have been helpful and encouraging to you. As always, we are here for you and praying for you. May God bless you and keep you always.

Significant Stand-out themes in prayer:
1. We draw closer to God in our weakness and failures, we can experience His power and sufficiency in new ways. Rather than seeing failure as a platform for defeat, we can embrace it as an opportunity to grow and learn, allowing God's voice to confirm His kingdom of power over our faith.

2. This means that we can resist the spirit of judgment, condemnation, and accusation that tries to weigh us down and keep us from fully embracing the freedom of the New Covenant.

Raw hand written notes our insights are sourced from over the last two days: This is what you all are receiving daily!

"By the Spirit of God, they have the ability to know who Christ is. Anything that keeps them from the voice of God is hindering them from what Christ has. The more they focus on the incomplete lies the enemy is using to distract and deceive, the more they respond with incomplete worthiness from what God is confirming through complete faith. Walking in God’s power in response to the storm, rather than reacting impulsively in unworthiness, will keep them from Christ’s fullness.

We often see the corrective side of the New Covenant as not rebuking on the terms we think God is. Correction is God’s way of rebuking a false or broken expression in our dysfunction that disagrees with God’s complete voice over our lives, representing His image and keeping us from genuine power. We must remark on Gospel truth as the reason for God’s interventions when Christ genuinely wants us to correlate His voice with the manner in which He actually works. This is built on something that only the Spirit of God can produce through complete faith, through a genuine touch and expression of Christ’s presence to confirm His voice, His image, His Word. This doesn't change in our response, it is us in our broken definition of self that comes under the redeeming and sanctifying power of God that changes us. He gives us what we need to live in agreement with the Spirit’s response. He is unchanging, so we have a thriving structure to live and confirm His fullness in our spiritual lives. It is not based on shame or context of the law, which creates self-dependence on weaknesses in our flesh, but Christ's eternal power and victory has answered these broken cries in our hearts. To live in truth or to be a person of truth that God empowers and receives is not to live in a separate, broken expression that defines us and will never reach the heart of God or live in the expression of who Christ is over that faith. Instead of trying to get to God on processes of unbelief, God wants us to take that expression of unworthiness and the fear responses associated with it, which commit us to the true voice of God, into His presence. We are now defined by what Christ has fulfilled for us. A witness will first highlight what doesn’t set us free but acts as a weight to hold us back. These weights are expressed as points of contention that rise up in our weakness before the context of the law. In our flesh, we react out of broken processes, causing us to refrain from the specific touch of God He wants to do in that moment. He is intervening so we don’t handle the word of God where these empty expressions find residence in response to our brokenness in ceremony, empty dialogue that holds no true redemptive power and are contrary to it directly. These cause us to fallback to impulsive places reactive in unbelief toward our burden before the law, flesh and weaknesses of our ability. It is God’s response in the heart of God to confirm in these very places where we venture to move forward in Him. How this looks in a forward progression is God breaking through with an expression of healing with Gospel power in what Christ is able to do in our storms and struggles. He confirms His voice, confirming the sufficiency of what we lack in ourselves, to walk in what Christ is able to do in the power of His Spirit. It is in His Spirit we confront the basis of entire frustration in faith: our ability in ourselves. In order to overcome this frustration, we have to understand our spiritual authority before Christ to deal with a spirit of judgment, condemnation, and accusation in the freedom of the New Covenant. It is through receiving in this position and worthiness that the subtle progressions and cycles produced from it are defeated. Therefore, to live in truth and be a person of truth empowered and received by God, we must surrender our broken expression of self to Him and allow Him to define us according to what Christ has fulfilled for us. The weight of contention and fear that rises up in our weakness before the law and in our flesh must be taken into God's presence, where He can intervene and break through with healing and Gospel power. He confirms His voice, confirming the sufficiency of what we lack in ourselves, and enables us to walk in what Christ is able to do through the power of His Spirit. To overcome our frustration in faith, we must understand our spiritual authority before Christ and deal with the spirits of judgment, condemnation, and accusation through receiving our position and worthiness in Him. In this way, we defeat the subtle progressions and cycles that can result from a platform of failure, and instead draw closer to God with an open heaven reality of His kingdom of power over our faith."

What is extracted here as 'the unchanging (consistent) voice of God' carrying over into the month of March?

In February, we talked about the cycle of fear, the delusion and pressures of fear being reactive. Not a reactivity moving us forward, but in a subtle progression of fear building on spiritual definitions on our spiritual life not defined by Christ, but our own unworthiness repeating a self-defeating pattern of expression. God consistently responds to these broken cries with, "Who says?" Every failure, and isolation we feel in spiritual apathy are met with an extensive reconciliation to draw us back into His promise of power. And lay down the striving in fear in our own power to try to access God in a broken framework of our flesh's efforts. This delusion is caused by our impulsive manner we respond and handle the voice of God in our limited perspective of who we are in Christ when faced with the trials we feel are separating us from His provision. In a cliche-"The problem is our problem with the problem, not the problem." It needs to be our response to what God is commanding over us in Christ!

From our prayer notes, we can conclude God is still pressing on our faith to keep these in view:

  • We can know who Christ is by the Spirit of God, but anything that keeps us from hearing His voice is hindering us from receiving what Christ has for us.

  • Focusing on incomplete lies distracts and deceives us, leading to incomplete worthiness. Instead, we should walk in God's power in response to the storms of life, rather than reacting impulsively in unworthiness.

  • Correction is God's way of rebuking false or broken expressions in our dysfunction that disagree with His complete voice over our lives. We must respond to Gospel truth as the reason for God's interventions and rely on the Spirit of God to produce complete faith within us.

  • To live in truth, we must surrender our broken expression of self to God and allow Him to define us according to what Christ has fulfilled for us. We can overcome our frustration in faith by understanding our spiritual authority before Christ and dealing with the spirits of judgment, condemnation, and accusation through receiving our position and worthiness in Him.
  • Our response to God's voice should not be based on shame or the context of the law, which create self-dependence on weaknesses in our flesh. Instead, we should rely on Christ's eternal power and victory to answer the broken cries of our hearts and confirm His fullness in our spiritual lives.

  • Rather than trying to get to God through processes of unbelief, we should take our expression of unworthiness and fear into His presence. God intervenes in these moments to break through with healing and Gospel power, confirming His voice and sufficiency in what we lack in ourselves.

  • We defeat the subtle progressions and cycles that can result from a platform of failure by understanding our spiritual authority before Christ and receiving our position and worthiness in Him. Through this, we draw closer to God and experience an open heaven reality of His kingdom of power over our faith.

What does this mean in our trials today?

At the end of the storm, we are in Christ, regardless of the process or instance of any spiritual attack. It is always an open heaven on a faith that reverences God's ability and sufficiency in every storm. As we hear God's unchanging voice in the testimonies He gives us, we learn to discern the voice of our flesh in weakness and the voice of the enemy prompting us with distractions upon those weaknesses, and we come to know the voice of unchanging consistency in His power and the sufficiency of His completeness to carry us in prayer even when we do not feel anything happening.

Our prayer insights here are adapted from our handwritten notes. Carefully managed to present to you on a weekly, bi-weekly and ongoing monthly basis. We tackle perspectives from Biblically discerned approaches, ideals, norms you should be receiving in your faith every moment you are in your prayer times. That is a guarantee if you are praying in Christ's

God doesn't just want us focusing on mere textual basis, which is absolute; God doesn't want us hyper-focused on Truth- which is factually sound to do; God doesn't just want our commitment- which is fair and just of Him to ask of us; and God does not want our complete obedience in the face of pressing challenges- to which we are truly in a position to do...Our complete faith in our expression in New Covenant Fulfillment is that we have to consider- in 'how,' and in 'what' manner- we are committing to Him! and 'following' Him in a promise based faith! and not so much as through a cryptic, lethargic, obscure, hyper-emotional state of being relating to the voice of God. Where we are tight-fisted, brow beating forward into His kingdom until every promise is demanded. No! He cares how we commit, and obey, not just those expected norms by themselves. The normal for a practical expression of what relates to God's presence, and what relates to God's Word, is spiritual, and dynamic in New Covenant!

What is our trial telling us about our nature, desire for God, expectation to receive from God, and learn from our interaction with God in our trials, and storms? Are you failing? or listening to God's voice in how you will succeed in Him?

It is not simply a matter of following a set of rules or being obedient, but rather approaching our relationship with God with a sense of spiritual vitality and dynamism. It is important to have faith in the promises of God, but also to understand how those promises are fulfilled in the context of the New Covenant. Our statement gives us caution against an overly legalistic or rigid approach to spiritual life, and instead encourages a more dynamic and spiritually saturated approach.

The importance of faith in the New Covenant and the need to consider how we commit and follow God, rather than simply demanding every promise. The emphasis on a thriving spiritual life and dynamic promise based approach to relating to God's presence and Word suggests a need for a deeper and more authentic relationship with God, rather than just following the rules or the letter of the law. This approach is in line with the importance of seeking divine revelation and communicating with precision, and it can help to ensure that one's spiritual life is focused and effective.



7 Simple Points Of New Covenant Fulfillment

  1. The Spirit of God allows us to know who Christ is, and anything that keeps us from the voice of God is keeping us from Christ's fullness.

The Holy Spirit is the one who reveals Christ to us and enables us to understand and receive His fullness. As believers, we are called to stay in tune with the voice of the Spirit and be sensitive to His leading. Anything that hinders our ability to hear from God or causes us to ignore His voice is ultimately keeping us from experiencing the fullness of Christ. Without an anchor of pressing dependency birthed in our heart on the footing of a fear and reverence of God will always fail to produce His living reality in our heart on everything we try to set out to do in His name with out His power!

          2. Correction in the New Covenant is not about rebuking on our terms but about God rebuking a false or broken expression that disagrees with His complete voice. Our score-card means system of daily routines for God means:
"I have nothing to remark where God is upset with me; displeased with, or frowning upon in my practice, so this criteria is sufficient to determine I'm right for a move of God- His promises are going to be more tangible, and accessable!"

In the New Covenant, correction is not simply a matter of pointing out someone's flaws or mistakes- or not having anything to correct. Rather, it is about allowing God to speak truth into our lives and expose any areas where we may be living in opposition to His will- God is mercifully always engaged in interventions inspiring a greater sense of confidence with each new move of God. These expression become more pronounced with each breakthrough experienced where God confirms His Word. This may involve confronting sin or false beliefs, but it always comes from a place of love and a desire for growth and transformation.

         3. Living in agreement with the Spirit's response is built on something only the Spirit of God can produce on complete faith through a genuine touch and expression of Christ's presence.

Living in agreement with the Spirit means trusting in His leading and following His promptings. This is not something that we can manufacture on our own, but rather it comes from a genuine encounter with Christ's presence through the Holy Spirit. It requires a complete faith in God and a willingness to surrender our own desires and plans to His will.
         4. God wants us to take our expression of unworthiness and fear responses associated with it into His presence, where we are defined by what Christ has fulfilled for us.

God invites us to bring our feelings of unworthiness and fear into His presence, where we can be reminded of the truth of what Christ has accomplished on our behalf. In Christ, we are made righteous and holy, and we are no longer defined by our past mistakes or failures. As we spend time with God and meditate on His Word, we are transformed by His love and grace.

        5.Weights that hold us back are expressed as points of contention that rise up in our weakness before the context of the law.

The "weights" that hold us back can be anything that causes us to feel burdened or hindered in our walk with Christ. These may be sins, fears, or doubts that we struggle with. When we try to live according to the law, we often become acutely aware of these areas of weakness and feel the weight of our failures. However, in the New Covenant, we are free from the law and can find freedom and healing through Christ.

         6.God intervenes in these moments to confirm His voice and break through with healing and Gospel power.

God is always present and ready to intervene in our lives, even in the midst of our struggles and failures. He confirms His voice through the Holy Spirit, reminding us of His love and grace. As we seek Him, He brings healing and restoration, empowering us to live in the fullness of the Gospel.

        7.In order to overcome frustration, we must understand our spiritual authority before Christ to deal with a spirit of judgment, condemnation, and accusation in the freedom of the New Covenant.

Frustration often arises when we feel powerless or helpless in the face of difficult circumstances. However, as believers in

Christ, we have been given spiritual authority to overcome the enemy and live in freedom. Frustration can be a common experience in the Christian life, especially when we feel weighed down by feelings of guilt, shame, and condemnation. But the New Covenant provides us with a powerful spiritual authority to overcome these negative forces. We can resist the spirit of judgment, condemnation, and accusation that tries to weigh us down and prevent us from experiencing the fullness of God's grace. This is because Christ has already dealt with our sin and shame on the cross, and we can now stand before God with boldness and confidence, knowing that we have been redeemed and made righteous in His sight. As we rely on the power of the Holy Spirit and our spiritual authority in Christ, we can overcome frustration and live in the freedom and joy of the New Covenant.

As believers in Christ, we have been given spiritual authority over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19)
To overcome the frustration that can arise in our faith, we must first understand our spiritual authority before Christ. We have been given the power to deal with the spirit of judgment, condemnation, and accusation through receiving our position and worthiness in Him. This means that we don't have to live in a state of fear or condemnation, but can instead walk in the freedom and power of the New Covenant.

In order to do this, we must surrender our broken expression of self to God and allow Him to define us according to what Christ has fulfilled for us. We must take the weight of contention and fear that rises up in our weakness before the law and in our flesh into God's presence, where He can intervene and break through with healing and Gospel power. Through this process, we can learn to walk in what Christ is able to do through the power of His Spirit, rather than relying on our own strength and ability.

As we learn to walk in this new way of life, we will find that the subtle progressions and cycles that can result from a platform of failure are defeated. Instead of constantly falling back into the same patterns of behavior and thought, we can draw closer to God with an open heaven reality of His kingdom of power over our faith. In this way, we become people of truth empowered and received by God, living in a state of thriving rather than struggling to keep up.

Ultimately, God's perfect design for us is to live in complete freedom and power through the New Covenant, relying on His strength and authority rather than our own. This is the essence of a thriving church model, where people are transformed by the renewing of their minds and hearts, walking in the fullness of God's plan for their lives. By embracing these principles, we can truly live as the people God created us to be, fulfilling our destinies and experiencing the joy and peace that comes from walking in His perfect will. Getting ourselves out of mixture and brokenness of the voice of God is not about ourselves getting right, then meeting with God- but living in His fulness as everything in ourselves was already made perfect, and reconciled in Him at the place of redemption which we now live in through His Promise fulfilled!


  • We can know who Christ is by the Spirit of God, but anything that keeps us from hearing His voice is hindering us from receiving what Christ has for us.
  • Focusing on incomplete lies distracts and deceives us, leading to incomplete worthiness. Instead, we should walk in God's power in response to the storms of life, rather than reacting impulsively in unworthiness.

  • Correction is God's way of rebuking false or broken expressions in our dysfunction that disagree with His complete voice over our lives. We must respond to Gospel truth as the reason for God's interventions and rely on the Spirit of God to produce complete faith within us.

  • To live in truth, we must surrender our broken expression of self to God and allow Him to define us according to what Christ has fulfilled for us. We can overcome our frustration in faith by understanding our spiritual authority before Christ and dealing with the spirits of judgment, condemnation, and accusation through receiving our position and worthiness in Him.

  • Our response to God's voice should not be based on shame or the context of the law, which create self-dependence on weaknesses in our flesh. Instead, we should rely on Christ's eternal power and victory to answer the broken cries of our hearts and confirm His fullness in our spiritual lives.

  • Rather than trying to get to God through processes of unbelief, we should take our expression of unworthiness and fear into His presence. God intervenes in these moments to break through with healing and Gospel power, confirming His voice and sufficiency in what we lack in ourselves.

  • We defeat the subtle progressions and cycles that can result from a platform of failure by understanding our spiritual authority before Christ and receiving our position and worthiness in Him. Through this, we draw closer to God and experience an open heaven reality of His kingdom of power over our faith.

"We must surrender our broken selves to Him and allow Him to redefine us according to what Christ has fulfilled for us. This requires a deep level of humility and trust in God, as we relinquish control over our lives and allow Him to work through us. This is not a humility of ourselves, it is the correct response to the voice of God."


  • "I'm not in favor of fear mongering because I recognize the voice of the enemy when we react so hastily to everything that moves- we are the only victims unable to see we're not moving at all in the abundant life of rest God is giving us because of an unhealthy mindset reactive to distractions as proof of our own dependency! I'm reminded the more hard our heart is towards Him, the less we think we need His support! No-I do not think we should be lovy/dovy- but hating sin that keeps us crippled in the race, as much as God loves us when we feel we can't endure to move on, in the race!"

    ~CDCS RESEARCH, Kevin Simon

"Not so much as through a cryptic, lethargic, obscure, hyper-emotional state of being relating to the voice of God. Where we are tight-fisted, brow beating forward into His kingdom until every promise is demanded. No! He cares how we commit, and obey, not just those expected norms by themselves. The normal for a practical expression of what relates to God's presence, and what relates to God's Word, is spiritually thriving, and dynamic in New Covenant! The only wrong expression in the gospel is one not under the direction and enablement of the Spirit of God- and which values- we in our unbelief- direct away from completeness in Christ at the foundation of this fulfillment."


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