



 Part 1.

I will be releasing a follow up article here soon in response to last night's discussion. Its very groundbreaking, and I wrote it in real time while present with you all. Its in editing. 

Our Russian members have been a great surge of activity. I hope you all overlook the language barrier--and please, you don't have to interact on just one person or topic. No one should feel constrained to any single direction. The floor belongs to the whole in grassroots fashion. 

 I'm overjoyed this is our only 'issue' on MEMBERSHIP + at the moment. I assure you, I will handle the details on this task and provide the needed accommodation. Just make them feel at home, and don't get hung up on this. I have had great emails with them. They really are pure hearts, and loyal people of rare quality to embrace my values here. I dare say, an ‘example’ on some level.

 No one here should feel such an ongoing thing is something you need to handle. We could have other great visitors with us some day. I also don't want anything becoming a distraction. I will be watchful, and take charge if anything unsuitable trends in any wrong direction. Principle applies to all.  

I was in college along-side a huge community of Russian/Ukrainian immigrants on Visas where I went to college in 2005, as well as many Polish and Latvian friends. I was always well-liked, considered stylish, God-fearing, thought of as "really cool," and exchanged only the best of times I can recall. 

This evening, I put my night on hold, to hand-write some tips I offer to encourage some great dialogue suggestions. Helpful points to keep in mind with one another.

 I pray we invest in our friends abroad, our future friends yet to arrive-- with our heart, our love and our continued support in various chapters in their lives with resilient faith, and a real example of American exceptionalism. 

1. Bridge connections: Introduce people to each other who may have something in common or could benefit from knowing one another. Help facilitate communication between people from different backgrounds or with different viewpoints.

2. Be a support: Offer help or encouragement when someone is going through a difficult time. Show empathy and understanding, and offer practical support when possible.


3. Feel free to ask questions: Don't be afraid to ask questions to clarify something you don't understand. This helps avoid misunderstandings and promotes better communication.

4. No barriers fear or a spirit of judgement: Create an environment where people feel safe to express their thoughts and ideas without fear of judgment or ridicule. Encourage openness and respect for different perspectives.

5. Seeing past our own problems to be an overwhelming breath of fresh air: Don't let personal problems or biases cloud your judgment or affect your interactions with others. Focus on the positive and try to approach every situation with an open mind.

6. Express freely: Don't hold back from expressing yourself or sharing your thoughts and feelings. This helps foster honest and open communication.

7. Be dynamic and creative: Find new and creative ways to communicate and engage with others. This could include using different focuses like art, music, or storytelling to express ideas.

8. Genuine conversation and learning curves: Engage in meaningful conversation with others and be willing to learn from them. This helps build relationships and promotes personal growth.

9. Be an authentic version of yourselves while being the voice you wish others to be toward you: Be true to yourself while treating others with kindness, respect, and understanding. This helps create an environment of mutual respect and trust.

10. Remaining flexible and diplomatic: Be open to different viewpoints and be willing to alleviate differences to reach a common goal I espouse here. This helps avoid conflict and promote understanding.

11. Rising above storms and challenges to be a source of stable leadership for others: Show leadership by remaining calm and collected in difficult situations. Offer support and guidance to others who may be struggling.

12. Encountering lasting healing in our voices expression in new Transitional growth--unfamiliar places teach us to extend beyond norms we are accustomed to! Embrace change and new experiences as opportunities for personal growth and learning. Use your voice to express yourself and share your experiences with others.

These are communication values I live by. Often, we are doing these things instinctively without knowing it. But when it is deliberate, it is a virtue we share of our own sacrificial time and effort where people need this hand of support. 

"I believe that actively listening and showing compassion towards others, while remaining respectful of their perspectives and vulnerabilities, is key to creating an environment that empowers and uplifts. Developing such social and emotional intelligence is an important skill for effective discourse."

PART 2. Revision (additions). 5/9/2023 11pm (Adjusted, corrected 12:38am)

 What is MEMBERSHIP +?

...And how is Membership + geared for advanced learning, leadership and effective training to be people of outstanding ethics, value and purpose?

We're an emerging social media: a coffee table environment without harsh politics

Big names | Journalists |Whistle-blowers | State Officials |

Powerful times of bridging connections | People of faith creating moments in dynamic freedom | healthy insights | Learning to rise above challenges in unity where everyone is equal, and no less important in the process of becoming 'heard.' 

"Inviting every member into abounding breakthroughs in uncovering various methods, (incomplete or incorrect) in response to misconceptions they are founded upon. Many easy adjustments will result in healthy manners under a season of growth and transformation where we often find impossible places of trial. The hard process is letting go of the pain which we are tied to compared to the pain which God uses in the storms to expose our grip on these old things as dependencies. Causing us only to focus on the storms themselves, rather than seeing it as an instrument God brings peace and wholeness through His word regarding our worst situations! When they are in fact broken identities creating separation from God entirely. The supreme biblical reality creates our 'conclusive' need for a breakthrough of divine intervention once we see our version of the truth is, 'inconclusive' to define us in our failing efforts."


Deeper assessment.

I invoke a spirit of reverence; collective values and goals, coalescing and meeting on a solid foundation of ethical inspiration, comradery, attention to a class-driven diplomacy of distinguished wit, humor and genuine discourse. 

All under Identity in Christ in a promise-based faith. As we allow these empowering touches of God to alter who we are from the inside out. To be what only God can create within us with a birthing of a true cry to enjoy His presence, and everything in His promise--His Spirit establishes these pressing values within us as a vision of Himself!
We use our fulfillment in His promise of redemption to take every thought captive, and bring it before Him and agree with His calling in our lives unashamedly to belong to God as captive only to Him--released from 'captivity' which defined us as, 'apart from Him.'

As we live in a dynamic of this fulfillment, we learn to engage with any topic ranging from qualities of  
  • Leadership principles
  • Governance
  • Handling stresses--pressures, reactiveness, impulsive desires, signals, delusion, distraction and fear.
  • Defeating negative thoughts at the root level where it controls and manipulates our identity in our struggles, and out direct opinions towards God's goodness, provision and care.
  • Explore author insights which trail blaze with New Covenant: False identities, wrong mission or purpose effects our judgements and view of the Word.
  • Your valued thoughts, reactions, group support.
  • Thoughtful testimony which tackles and removes:
    Doubts, wrong mindsets and sets a course on a healed outlook on an even keel groundwork of Thriving Spiritual life generated by contact with the fullness of His presence through prayer, drawing closer to the heart of Christ-- through Genuine Reverence, Power, and Testimony. Which I’ve seen has the power to extend the conversation with constructive themes and approaches--both practical and spiritual."

  • "We have the power of gifted speech, and when we surrender our negative baggage to God, He uses it in our leadership under Him to unlock that power and cancel any limiting influences."

  • "The purpose of Scripture is to reveal the things that weaken our voice, and to empower us with God's strength to overcome them. As we submit to His leadership and guidance, we are able to speak with authority and to bring healing to those around us. This power is not for our own benefit, but for the greater purposes of God that are working in and through us."

  • "Qualified power which creates a genuine move of God, doesn't serve us exclusively, but rather serves His purposes as it affects us! There is no reason for God to change us, or move in us, if any part of that intervention fails to serve Christ's sufficiency, and greatness over us!" 

  • "We don't have the keys of power in Christ to change anything around us: Its God's making stable changes in us as gifted to us until God's complete work is fulfilled as it takes root is us. If these entablements, merely serve more our image, our ministry, our own future, then it fails to serve God. It first and foremost serves His perfect image!"  Our Canon, and Apostolic mandate on fasting, healing and deliverance is rooted in these values.

|              "There are no wrong answers here. However, I find error only in an unwilling spirit to accept the correct ones which are invested in the proofs of Christ Himself, when all other options have been exhausted and reality becomes clear. I avoid these spirits of contention because they harbor warning signs of corrupt activity."        |

I encourage you to move forward boldly and confidently. While I value depth and knowledge, I do not believe in a position of superiority based on self-proclaimed expertise, as this goes against the spirit of the New Covenant. True leadership is not about mere perception or qualifications, but about applying oneself in service to others."

We find our qualification when the 'fruit' matches the level of 'empowerment' required to honor the mission!


We Support Careful advisory direction regarding:
  • Leadership principles to regulate and reset many of our off-track agendas;
  • Gifts spent in the wrong places and incorrect manners;
  • Focuses which try to do 'right' but in an 'evil heart' to gain undue recognition or 'strive' in for pleasing God with wrong motives God isn't supporting;
  • Through unhealthy norms in which we get into ruts with emotions and introspection repeating 'old cycles' of blame, pain and shame-- which limit God's expression of a restored identity.

                        'NEW COVENANT ADMINISTRATION : Source of our Eternal Power'    

Where He promises a touch of God over our voice to  unleash it to speak in a loving, anointed, manner, under the power of His Spirit in our lives--a ministry the scripture confirms, is the completeness of Christ as our living expression. There is no work of the Spirit where Christ is not enough! Why? The Tri-unity of God is about a completeness of worth and sufficiency through a single accomplishment working within unique divinity of unified expressions of the person of Christ, which The Bible says, "All His divinity and fullness dwells."

Jesus is the full extent, heart and intent of everything we express to be a 'father' in heaven, governing and working with all knowledge and in all places, simultaneously. Ephesians 1 calls this 'the keys of power' in our faith! If we see Christ as our immeasurable focus and purpose of New Covenant.

"I acknowledge the infinite power and might of a single entity, the miraculous craftsmanship of a single Creator. This means that there is only one original plan of God. If there were multiple plans, it would imply the existence of multiple gods, multiple voices-- results, which deny the work of the Cross-- is blasphemous." I clarify the errors of many wild ideas of a 'trinity' as three persons with 'separate qualities,' or 'ideas.' Leaving the door open for very incorrect interpretation and practice. I prefer 'Tri-unity' of eternal representations of every biblical illustration, figurative and literal--to be of One Spirit. As 1 John explains, "Christ's resurrection is the manifestation of divine power, serving as proof of eternal life. If you have the Spirit of God, you are in Christ, you have eternal life, visa, versa!

Our faith is grounded in these truths, but those who are perishing may consider them foolish or fairy tales. The Spirit of God is not separate from God's divinity, and our Father in heaven, as Jesus directed us in prayer, is the embodiment and representation of God's supreme manifestation in heaven. The heart, intent, and expression of everything born of His divinity are conveyed through His original plan, perfect design and complete heart of one, same, Spirit.

The Spirit of God is never separate from Christ, even in death, because it was sealed upon Himself as a seal for us. We are no longer separate from God if we are restored in His likeness. We cannot think of these expressions as separate persons, as they are proofs of one person, although they appear as separate entities. The heart of God, plan of God, and the purpose of God are galvanized on one person as they appear in the scriptures. "God became flesh and dwelt among us, and although God continued to fully inhabit heaven, He did not separate Himself from His humanity. Jesus came to earth as an example for us, showing us how to live in qualified power with God."

It is essential to keep these truths close to our hearts if we have a healed identity and voice before God. We live in Christ's expression through salvation and walk in His Spirit. Let us all respect and revere the powerful headship and divine authority that we represent in heaven. Dear reader, the error is calling Jesus, Father, or the Father, Jesus as many places often do. I explain this. This harkens back to, "let us make man in our image."

Which is not stating multiple entities at work, but a single entity hailing as royal language in third person--"Look what we are about to do!"

Has anyone seen the stunning vernacular, here?

God speaks before the audience of heavenly beings the first known phrases in all recorded history. Speaking in third person is a common practice among royalty or those in positions of authority to add emphasis and establish a sense of formality. Its a term to mean: "Behold! What our royal court is about to bestow upon our subjects."

According to scripture, when we have the Son (Jesus), we already have the Father (God).
"Jesus was declaring that the truth had been concealed in plain sight, and that He and the Father were one and the same, possessing equal authority and power. This relationship is characterized by a dynamic of headship and servanthood, where one aspect pertains to Himself and the other pertains to Himself for fulfilling the requirements of headship. The 'latter' provides an example for us to follow, but then requires us to be under this headship--are we sons of God, yes! Are we divine, No! Are we gifted with god-likeness, No! Are we presented with an example of Christ-like ability and identity which we now live in His context and role to make things right with God, Yes! But Its not in our own power!"

Our Identity and correlation with a Tri-unity of Godhead is simple: The importance of being under Christ's headship and recognizing our limitations in comparison to God.  The Gospel shows us the need to rely on Christ's power rather than our own. We are not unlocking stages of enlightened godhood as Christians--faith is founded on fulfillment of a promise. A version of a separate 'christ,' (disconnected from the headship) is an incomplete image of God which seeks to define itself in its own might of attaining god-like status.

  • The concept of a separate Christ, or an incomplete image of God, is flawed because it promotes the idea of attaining god-like status through one's own power, which is not the true foundation of the Christian faith.
  • Instead, the Christian faith is founded on the fulfillment of a promise, which is the promise of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Understanding Christ as an integral part of the triune God, rather than a separate entity.

The 'Father' refers to the administrative embodiment of God (of all aspects of God), the Spirit represents God's power and operation of the divinity (as filling all things and inhabiting all things), and Christ is the perfect image of God and fulfills all of God's intentions over the work of the law, human suffering, and redemption from eternal separation (Satisfying all things for righteousness in human form and messianic fulfillment). Jesus is both the earthly representation of God and the figurehead of His divinity to mediate this separation. While being a full representation and voice on the earth of what is a perfect representation of Himself in Heaven for us. Its not a mystery. Even Jesus said the Scriptures from Isaiah confirmed who He was--"He closed the scroll and sat down."  Luke 4:20, "And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him."

These terms should not be confused with the existence of multiple gods. They are simply different expressions of the one divine being. When Jesus was called Emmanuel, it meant "God with us," not "gods with us." Jesus, being born as a human baby, was still complete and perfect in His divine form in heaven.

  • Jesus is the identified terms of God's divinity expressed in One Spirit to classify the expressions of One being, which we could witness, and base our faith upon. You have all aspects of God committing your life to Him.
  • Christ is the full complete perfect image of God and fulfillment of the full intents of the administrative aspects we consider "Father." Jesus told us to petition this fullness in prayer!
  • Jesus is explaining you have the earthly representation, as well as the figurehead of All of His divinity as well

The term "Father" refers to the source of all inspiration, implying ownership, craftsmanship, and design. Jesus reflected this work in human form, demonstrating his dominion. In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus was declaring God's dominion in Himself as the embodiment of God's fullness in heaven. This prayer is not a simple dinner-time prayer, but a declaration of God's eternal authority that we should pray in the power of. Without considering Christ's earthly ministry, it's difficult to fully comprehend the tri-unity of God, and miss key aspects of Christ as the representation of all heavenly power. Our prayer-life testifies to our belief in God's all-powerful authority.

  • The Voice of God through Christ, is the Voice of The Spirit in us today: "You should be praying in this power, under this 'Godhead', and 'eternal authority'--because it reflects who I Am, and what I represent to you as an example of how to direct your love, attention and honor unto God as I do!"
  • Jesus reflected this work in human form
  • The paternal source of all inspiration these things come from--it infers ownership, craftmanship and design: this is explaining Christ's dominion possessing this power. The concept confusing people is Christ not being able to delegate a seat on the throne to whom He wished while on the earth: He was referring to qualification of the Law meeting every completed check-list through sinless blood--which hadn't happened yet at the time this was posed. Since It was already decided in Heaven to do so, He was not obligated to reveal this concept to them. They weren't part of this."
  • The Bible imprints the idea that Christ's authority and qualification come from his fulfillment of the Law through his sinless blood. The reason why Christ couldn't delegate a seat on the throne to someone else at the time He was on earth. A perfect plan was decided, already made in heaven, so Christ didn't need to explain it to His followers.
  • Context and methodology for Christ's authority and qualification.

Colossians 2:9-10 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:"

John 1:3-4 "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men."

It does not say, "without both of them", or "all three of them."

Genesis Chapter 1 Isn't contradicting a perspective of 'One Spirit.' So this phrasing tells us, "The administration of divine power through royal decree, is none other than Christ Himself expressing the eventual creation of man, in a distinctive image with ownership--possessing all power to do so within Himself and all classifications in which it is entitled to Him."

They are distinct because The Spirit of God is an ever present, living representation of everything birthed of God, structured in God, and founded in God. Our calling is to understand the real foundation of an accurate, complete and fulfilled Gospel today. "If I pray to Christ, I am praying to His entire unified, conjoined and embodied fullness of power: I'm brought into His holiness, by His complete and perfect image--this is what God is for us today!"
New Covenant is God's finished platform of addressing our broken condition, and living in new values revealed by His divine power.

There is a qualified anointing of Christ He places on us to live in sanctified truth which unites us to His divinity through the merits of Christ! Its through this covering this platform prays and believes by the laying of hands!
There is an absolute valid proof of why many of you receive touches of God. If there is error in any sense of the word in what we teach, this couldn't happen!

The Spirit of God is not living in any person who disagrees and denies these truths. They are separate from God according to, Jude Chapter 1.  There are those who still choose to disrespect God's commands in favor of idolizing themselves, which ultimately leads to ruin and collapse. They miss out on the grace that removes the brokenness that holds them down in their complacency, and instead embrace shameful things that God has judged. It is important for us to recognize the danger of such a mindset and to remain faithful to God's commands in order to experience the fullness of His grace and the fulfillment of His promises. "Our obedience to the Word is unified with our relationship to His promise, and agreement with the proofs He speaks of Himself. Why wouldn't God outstretch His hand upon any place in our lives when we attend to these realities?" We are beckoned to promote the values of the New Covenant and help those who are struggling to overcome their brokenness and live a life in accordance with God's directives--because they are His interventions of mercy!

"In our New Covenant church model and thriving structure, we want to remind all of our guests and members that it is important to respond to the unchanging voice of God and resist the subtle progression towards fear and unbelief."

"If we allow ourselves to remain in our fallen identities, we may miss out on the grace that removes the brokenness holding us down in our sheltered complacency. This can lead to a self-defeating cycle of seeking broken reforms and fixes instead of relying on the hand of support from God's mercy. It is crucial to understand that depending on God completely is the definition of true success in our faith, and neglecting this can lead to the ultimate failure."

As a corporate body, and individual member, our prayers are God's administrative purpose serving to establish you from being a victim of delusion, or distorting the voice of God in your own perspectives. If you are struggling with false moves of God, false expressions of Christ, and incorrect opinions about God, how then could you obey anything God presented to you in your current state? You are captive. You need interventions, and a leadership which invokes God's true representation in your life which we only confirm by living in it ourselves. Only by doing so can anyone fully experience the promise of New Covenant fulfillment and thrive in a structure that honors God's unchanging voice."

At CDCS RESEARCH, "We denounce fraudulent claims of the touch of God. If you claim to receive a miracle without untethering, exposing or defeating works of darkness (corrupt power), a spirit of control or choosing to live in isolation from the 'Voice of God'--this is not a qualified move of God!"

"All of God's works serve to confirm who Christ is and bring glory to Him. For example, when Jesus healed the ten lepers, only one of them returned to give thanks and praise to God. The lesson here is that while the other nine received a temporary physical healing, the one who returned received something more consistent and lasting, which reached into his soul. This demonstrates the importance of having a spirit of gratitude and recognizing that the true purpose of God's works is to bring us closer to Him."

I have outlines of notes to explain further of what I'm referring to here.

How Does Gospel reality affect true leadership?

1. We should be inspiring a "Genuine Feeling of health to advance a bold foot forward in spiritual learning."

2. As a leader, "I don't subscribe to a category in the Bible ascribing a self-identified title of a "know-it-all."
     There is no place, or need for this position or posture within New Covenant. We want everyone to get to the finish line."

         |        "The distinction lies between perceived, qualified, and applied leadership."        |

  •  Being aware of the knowledge I claim but intentionally using it to fulfill genuine purpose I profess with it.

3. "When I am totally free from guilt, shame, and fear, and at peace with myself and with God, I know that I am where I am supposed to be, and my heart is in the right place. This sense of freedom and peace is my guiding purpose, and it helps me make decisions and take actions that align with my values and beliefs." I never find my purpose in a vast, high handed impractical approach of grandiose insights. I find this distasteful. As an empty pursuit of knowledge can render a person's grasp of infinite examples of how knowledge is expressed largely unaware of 'the knowledge they ignore-- which seems competitive in nature--in reality, yields no purpose in how its exampled!" 

  • "An empty pursuit of knowledge can lead to a limited understanding of its infinite examples, causing one to overlook important knowledge and ultimately serving no purpose in its application."

  • This pursuit often overlooks important aspects of knowledge and can create an unhealthy competitive spirit.

 4. Instead, I believe in seeking understanding with a humble heart, venturing steadily to learn from others and to apply my knowledge in practical ways that benefit both myself and those around me."

5. Also, we invite your input, and perspectives which you would like to bring to the forefront, potentially where you are unsure they hold sound meaning, accuracy or definitive response to our material-- or your own challenges you face for the first time on key values. 

6. Also, I don't mind some 'limited':

  • Political intrigue
  • Party talking points
  • Favorite Presidents
  • Historical narratives
  • National solutions
  • Economic growth initiatives
  • Wall street insights, investments and statistics
  • Evaluations, strategies for better business.
  • Health and Medical commentary
  • Mild headline or clipping for narrative

I just ask you keep it civil and under intelligent boundaries, and in a pragmatic scholarly format. No low blows, or dirty politics, or harmful connotation or abrasiveness. No propaganda or double-speak.

  • Anyone who tells you Christ was not political, or active in a community or member of a religious setting with the leaders of His day; Or in some way avoided injecting His voice of representation for a minority, marginalized groups, or rejected class, or unspiritual sects, or of an entire majority-- seems to not understand Christ's position in our Prayer Of Faith Article. Jesus gave testimony before many witnesses.
    He craftily entered high officials' courts to represent our names where we had no right of entry.
    Pivotal, groundbreaking reminder here!


Our eternal soul and its condition was actually at the forefront of Christ's mind when He spoke in a bruised state before the crowds. He spoke in a condition of abuse, physical and mental torture, and public shame! Don't forget what our Commander went through. He knew what pain and anguish awaited Him. To have only but a moment in time to yield Himself for us. Consider, also the rigor of the Law, and its requirement of a perfect covering. This was also a clear representation of our powerless struggles and defeats in ourselves before His Power.
To be successful, He would give up His life willingly for this alone!

We read in the scriptures,
"Knowing full well the entire consequence of such a profession, when His hour had come-- rather than turning us away in the trial of the ages--decided we were worth saving because He applied His worth upon us in the act of salvation!"

Because salvation is an act of merciful intervention to make a non-agreeable subject, agreeable on superior values, we must remember our role in Christ's finished work. We were not granted a voice, given a choice, offered a purpose or future from our fallen position to speak for ourselves in the matter.
We were instead provided those means as a witness before God, in producing our eternal benefit through the mouth, body, spirit and honor of God through Christ's sacrifice for us. He is the fulfillment of the New Covenant promise, and we base every aspect of our spirit's interaction, involvement and witness of this truth, as the proclamation Christ made for us. We call this an identity. This is our standard of witness in which Christ now applies His virtue and endless mercies in our place when we go before Him, covered by this mercy. 
We receive and believe in these places God has healed through the offering of Himself--and in light of everything separating us from His life-- we were cursed, broken and forever disqualified to live in our own power. The Bible tells us He gives us this right through His perfect design in our lives. We are qualified to live for Him, serve Him, and be defined on the infinite merits and abilities in the complete sufficiency of Christ in every aspect of our function, ability and worthiness! This is what makes us complete in our identity in Christ."

"Jesus serves as both the earthly embodiment of God's divine presence and the unparalleled figurehead of His infinite power, bridging the gap between heaven and earth. Through His perfect representation of God's character and will for us, He brings the fullness of divinity to bear on our human experience."

5/8/2023 1:13am

 "We must not ignore the reality that Jesus stood before officials, and possessed a perfect design standing before an imperfect, partial and fabricated charge to lay upon Him, but still raised His voice for us."

"Everything we say and do should tie into elevating God's historical patterns of His dealings in our perception of how He views us today through the eyes of New Covenant fulfillment--which is Christ's perfect representation over us in a complete image. This door is left open to freewill, but greatly returned upon those who give everything over to God of their financial decisions, gifting and talents, restlessness, anxiety, doubts, family structure and unity." 
God has keys of power He will restore unto us to address these matters:

  • National struggle,
  • Poverty
  • Source and result of transformative Biblical, and 'progress driven' change Under God's plan.
  • Purpose of Judgement and its real effects.
  • Interventions based on the heart of God, toward the condition of the people of God in society.
    We explain a small misconception, topic and fact-based learning.

    False identities may refer to the mistaken beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that arise from a distorted understanding of spiritual growth and transformation. This can include a focus on superficial or external markers of spirituality, such as adherence to certain religious practices or traditions, rather than a genuine transformation of the heart and mind. False identities may also refer to a tendency to prioritize personal desires and preferences over the will of God, (shaping us to live separate, isolated and refraining from what God is calling us to do, or outside His completeness) and to rely on our own strength and abilities rather than on the grace and power of God.

    By clinging to these false identities, we will miss out on the fullness of God's plan for our lives, and may be hindered in our spiritual growth and development.
    Many people may not actually realize, the purpose of God's promise of redemption first covers our unregenerate state--a new life in Him! We then learn conformity to this life only based on these standards He writes on our heart to carry them out through ongoing, provisional supports of mercy.

He also provides 'provision and support' through the scriptures. By dynamic interaction with Himself through His Spirit by every act of power. To draw us away from ourselves. To live in a healthier perspectives lead by values above reproach committed to Him apart from ourselves. We are taking on His likeness over our insecurities; His worthiness over our shame; His ability over our flesh performance. We live in His fulness! The concept of biblical definition of obedience is founded here on these themes, not ones we determine. We don't ever contradict this in place of rules, or adherences God isn't recommending.

People are locked in false profession until God breaks these 'captive ties' associated with a spirit of control dominating our focus apart from the definition of God's involvement in our complete faith--a promise of redemption through His covering of Mercy!

Its not a complacent faith which breeds contempt for the Word, or inactive fruitlessness, its a thriving faith which takes us beyond the broken definitions of false identities, and into a thriving dynamic of power.
Jude tells us to ongoing process of "looking to His mercy" because it leads to His eternal power of places He has fulfilled over us!

Friday May 5th, 2023.

My lecture time was rich, today! I speak allot through out the week on my notes. I don't have any articles to drop yet.

I want you to know that I support your vision, your voice, and your concerns, and I pray for you every day.

When I receive positive feedback, it encourages me to keep working on those areas where I sense there is a need. I feel that by doing so, I am helping you to express those things that you may find difficult to put into words during the storms of life. I support your mission and believe that you are worthy in God's eyes.

Don't be discouraged by the burdens you carry, which may cause you to identify with negative thoughts and feelings that are not aligned with what God is able to do through His intervention of mercy. Instead, rest in His mercy and trust that He will help you overcome the challenges you face. Remember that the situations that the enemy uses to attack your credibility and limit your ability to approach God and receive from Him are often the very places where God will prove Himself to you. He will show you that your worst fears and limitations are not obstacles to Him, but rather opportunities for Him to demonstrate His power and love in your life.

The keys to complete faith are found in resting in God's invitation of mercy over your struggles, rather than allowing external circumstances to define who you are in Christ. This provision of eternal power enables God to step in and take control beyond what you are capable of. This dynamic of faith confirms your identity as a child of God and leads you away from every corrupt power and influence of fear. With God's help and sovereignty, your desires are fulfilled, and you are made whole by His own virtue.

I often say that any belief in your heart that suggests you don't belong, that there's no purpose in the trial, or that the value of your response hinges on your success or failure only serves to demonstrate God's power when He intervenes beyond what you're capable of. He makes this promise of power a reality to prove who you are in Him. Being "in Christ" doesn't mean you're perfect and put together when things fall apart around you, but as you rest in His power and completeness, the emotional pain you experience in response to the storm He allows will work in you to receive His promise and keep you through every flood of evil. The parts of the trial that trouble you, captivate you, or draw you away from Him will ultimately lead you to embrace the reality of His promise, which will sustain you.

"The issues that trigger the strongest reactions from you are often the very areas where God is working to bring about solutions that will prevent you from succumbing to the destructive effects of pain. Through His perfect design, God is putting an end to these cycles and ensuring that you remain the apple of His eye. You need not defend yourself through your own strength and effort because God will not let you depart from His presence."

He will keep you from falling, and present you faultless, and without blame in His presence with exceeding joy!

"Who says you are trapped, defeated, broken-- a victim of the past--a predictor of all future hindrances in your life? God will break these controls off of your life and define you as powerful testimony through His gift of mercy! He doesn't just soothe and cover so you're happy. He empowers and reconciles the ruin of false identity, and crushes the voice of accusation before you! He challenges every assignment that plagues you into reproach so you never raise your voice!

I pray every argument of fear ceases, and God does such a deep healing to make you all resilient, unashamed and impervious to future waves of instability!



Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to those who have supported our webpage with their expertise and kindness. Your contributions have not gone unnoticed, and I am grateful for the many brilliant minds who have joined us to read and share with us.

I want to remind everyone that we are all equal in the eyes of God, and that we are here to support each other through difficult times. If you are feeling overwhelmed or distressed by recent events or circumstances, do not let it shake you. Instead, try to find deeper meaning in your struggles and focus on grassroots initiatives that can help you live a more meaningful life.

I felt strongly impressed to share this quote I received as a spiritual leader, and I say this with strong purpose, and intensity:

| "To those who feel they are not of 'the correct social type people may be accustomed to' based on unreachable standards by others; prejudices, and rejections--and you don't feel your voice is respected or heard as a result." |

To those who feel marginalized by society due to prejudices and rejection, and believe that their voices are not respected or heard, we respect your voice and opinion here. We do not censor or squelch the gift that God has given you on this platform. Over the past three months, we have observed many impacts and observations from each of you that have brought me into a constant state of gratitude.

Never allow anyone to steal, manipulate, control, or minimize the gifts that God has given you. Speaking down or inflicting doubt over His gift in your life is not acceptable here. God is training you to be strong in Him with all of the amazing values He is producing in you through His promise and your faith alone. Don't get caught up in the fruit or purpose you have yet to see; enjoy what God sees in you already and don't give up.

In conclusion, remember that every trial represents an opportunity for growth and breakthrough, so keep pushing forward with faith and courage.

We have not ceased to pray daily with ever increasing strength, clarity, and resolve in our official times. I will not stop serving till you all receive something powerful of the mercy of God in your journeys to breakthrough with great testimony of His power!

You answer to no one on this platform except your love, reverence and attention to Christ! We ask those values translate upon the manner and spirit of your stay toward myself as fitting for the occasion as possible with your voice and presence and comment policy--don't push limits; and don't speak evil of those in authority or in a degrading way! Speak with class and behave wisely!

You are esteemed guests, and I elevate your worth and value here.



April 26th, 2023.

While working on content today, I prayed for each of you to keep moving forward and stay strong in your healed expression. If you feel apart from God, cry out to Him in the most unworthy of places where you feel unhealed or unheard. More often than not, God is already present to give you a touch of power and renew your hope in Him through breakthroughs of mercy.

Be uplifted. I care about each of you in a special way, and my prayers are ongoing for everyone on this prestigious guest list. We will discuss MEMBERSHIP + at a later time.

Tonight, unburden yourself from anxiety, breaking points, and exhaustion. Rest in His love. Christ's power empowers us to keep all negative pain, which separates and divides us through our contentions, in His hands. Remember that the pain God uses to further His reach in His sovereignty will daily bring you closer to Him. He will turn your pain around into a place of overcoming strength that leads to His redemptive power. He will cancel the trappings of fear when you call upon Him in genuine power because of His promise of intervention and mercies. Don't doubt or waver in agreeing with His commitment over you in your struggle and crisis. You are not defeated, nor are you outside of Christ because you don't feel right before Him or because you are overwhelmed. He made you right apart from your feelings.

However, knowing God is supporting you with His hand is evidence of Himself through His sufficiency, confirming His complete work in your heart. Grow, transform, and find your voice again on every broken, out of reach, or wrong perspective that misses the point of your trial and purpose. Discard any mindset that opposes God or focuses on refraining from Christ and disagrees with His perfect design over your struggle. Stop defeating yourself over your inadequacy and focus on His Presence through His fulfillment over your shame and feelings of separation.

Look to the mercy and eternal life revealed and manifested through Christ as our living proof of why we are now called to take every thought captive into what He is able to do in and through a testimony that is birthed through your life because of His promise of redemption.


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