Posts tagged with "TRUMP"

NEW COVENANT · March 22, 2023
REVISED, PROOFREAD for Clarity, cohesion, grammar, structure, anomalies, adjustments, and expression. 11pm. I just want to let everyone know when I really hit on some very powerful themes, all hell breaks loose it seems. Always keep in mind a small word of prayer for myself. Its not a walk in the park to address things on this magnitude! Newsletter Forward, Here we setup our spiritual, new covenant address introducing part 14, relating to the nation of Israel. Our comment format was not...
FREEDOM · February 08, 2023
A gathering of notes into special insights unrelated to our main articles, or entries. But still fluent towards supporting the foundational perspective we present on our website. We will be including guests responses, weekly prayer notes into concise stratum of teaching environment. We will also include extended themes and topics from our lectures.