September 24, 2023
Dynamics broken down and explained. DRAFTED Sept. 24th, Updated 10/26/2023 (WIP) More revisions to be added with more notes) Consider these critical questions to set a firm foundation: "What are the struggles and distorted narratives that hinder our thriving narrative?" Is God's mercy a feeble, passive force working within the bounds of human limitations and perspectives--awaiting our finite, human attempts at perfecting a formula which will increase divine activity for us? Or is it the very...

NEW COVENANT · August 19, 2023
Providing summary of my combined collection of notes from July and August. Topics and themes I have personally prayed through and collectively organized within a winning mindset overall. How inspiration of scripture is a thriving dynamic towards a fulfillment. Inspiring real outcomes, productive chapters, and interventions. Impacted from a prioritized view of a genuine standard of power we receive in prayer. |"What are we really encountering in worst case scenarios and impossibility?"|
NEW COVENANT · July 31, 2023
Quintessential professional highlights for your day. There are keys of powerful provision available to us when we commit ourselves toward higher perspective which challenge us to think beyond ourselves. (WIP) What are they and what are the effects of such promise in our every day productivity, accomplishment and pressing past limitation? Is New Covenant a letter of motivation--a contract of non-failure in which we are immune to negativity or pain, or is it a more pronounced declaration,...

NEW COVENANT · June 23, 2023
JUNE 25th, 2023. PART 1: Dear Scarlett Johansson and esteemed guests, First and foremost, Scarlett, I must verify that it is indeed you, your genuine self, present here. Today needs clarification for historical context, but it more so needs an affirmation of my confidence, love and hopeful optimism. Be of good cheer, dear friends! To our new honorable guests, You have my undivided attention and unwavering admiration, particularly in regard to your distinctive qualities that are synonymous with...
NEW COVENANT · June 16, 2023
6/16/2023 12am-9am THEMES WE COVER REGARDING NEW COVENANT FULFILLMENT: "A WINNING MINDSET, A WINNING COURSE."_______________________________________________ Struggles of adversity and perils of circumstance depicted in a narrative Transition from doubt and self-reliance to embracing healing perspectives Overcoming the worst pain and grasping a winning course and mindset Importance of framing thoughts in view of impossible odds with God's interventions Embracing healing perspectives to thrive...

"7 Insights And Keys Of Breakthrough In Our Understanding Of What Shapes And Defines Us."
FREEDOM · May 20, 2023
7 Insights And Keys Of Breakthrough In Our Understanding Of What Shapes And Defines Us." (WIP)
May 14, 2023
May 14th, 2023 3:40pm Revised Many people who come here have encountered a powerful presence, a witness to the transformative work of God. You too can expect to experience breakthroughs, healing, and a touch of God's power that will draw you beyond your own limitations. God's mercy and redemptive strength will allow Him to work in you, bringing you to a place of rest, free from shame, blame, and pain. He will regenerate you in His likeness and perfect image, making things right in your life as...

FREEDOM · May 13, 2023
OFFICIAL LETTER: "The importance of foundational values that benefit all aspects of life." 5/13/2023 ____________________________________________________________________ It is 5:00am. I am up yet, writing a final follow up letter before I retire to bed. I pray that each of you has felt my sincere effort to offer healing words of service to your tenures and esteemed positions. Your presence on this platform is an eye-opening encounter, and I revere that. You have witnessed an intentional,...
MEMBERSHIP + · May 07, 2023
OFFICIAL MEMBERSHIP + ARTICLE 1 Part 1. I will be releasing a follow up article here soon in response to last night's discussion. Its very groundbreaking, and I wrote it in real time while present with you all. Its in editing. Our Russian members have been a great surge of activity. I hope you all overlook the language barrier--and please, you don't have to interact on just one person or topic. No one should feel constrained to any single direction. The floor belongs to the whole in grassroots...

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