


You have heard of the 'Prayer of Faith', now you can discover the vastness of the 'Key of faith' behind it. (WIP REVISIONS) 11pm-6am.

Do not let the complexity of our platform confound you. Originally crafted five years ago, our current understanding allows us to present a more comprehensive and data-driven explanation of the molecular structure of a thriving church model that underlines our specific platform. Our findings are the result of extensive analysis of biblical texts and coursework, leading us to conclude that new covenant fulfillment is fully present within this framework. Examples of this can be found in the words of the Epistles, Jesus's earthly ministry and miracles, and the power and testimony that flowed within this framework.

By navigating the dynamics of faith and exploring the 36 topics of spiritual mismanagement, including "Works, Striving, and Performance," we have discovered that the character, nature, spirit, and manner of Christ are the overarching focal points of the Gospel presented in power when genuine spiritual life is based on this model. This language of Christ in the scriptures, with the heart of God, is what we respond to in a dynamic, promise-based faith. Our identity, calling, provision, and structure for approaching God, and fulfilling the Law through Christ's righteousness, are all built upon the implementation of how God views us in our growth, based on this model. As you can see, there are unpleasant, and unwanted transition periods in our growth God's Spirit is working within to create 'a recovery model' so we are not trapped in self-defeat in handling values of the Word of God in our own strength. If someone says, "he rebounded, and got back up from the trial," we are citing that dynamic here.

Why haven't you brought this to our attention? Shouldn't this have been a founding document at the onset of your platform? Laid at the very heart of every article? Well if you answered -'Yes', "It should have been in full view from the start, you are not contradicting our presentation, you are confirming it!" This article is defining the powerful truths you have been reading, exploring and enjoying. It is the framework you have been engaged in- some quite proficiently. When someone talks about the plan of God...Our model is showing us how this plan is engrained into our faith when we accepted Christ!

Our two-column approach tool, featuring valuable insights into the Fruit of Christ, Academic New Covenant, Developing Care, Pastoral Ethics, Glossary of Terms, and The Prayer of Faith, is a testament to the effectiveness of this model. These familiar terms on our site were derived from our fasting model of prayer, as described in Hebrews 5:4-9. It is essential to understand the dangers of impulsive, hyper-emotional responses that can lead to delusion and spiritual stagnation. We are letting our valuable readers in on our prized finding research behind the building premise of our consistent offering here. One that shows us embracing attributes that benefit programs promoting liveliness but do not stimulate interest in prayer can cause suspension of growth. The key to success lies in focus, inflaming interest, and continued stimulation. 

Our language here may seem dense, and very scattered for a teaching on Biblical theology, but it is actually grass roots. And we have highlighted the most essential themes of New Covenant Fulfillment in our articles, illustrations and foundational beliefs of where our rest in Christ is based upon.

This showed us a molecular structure in need of generation, and it also describes a three type church consensus- and how those foundational church-models are fully present in most churches today if you didn't know up to this point. Most essentially, these churches aren't limited to their existence based on factors, but our research has shown these three have unique relationship with each other as they innately require some of the same values and principles to function- while on the other hand- find incompatibilities differing from each other. In the incompatibilities, we find inconsistencies on all three models: each having a weakness and vulnerability- each being supported in some way with a virtue of some kind.

In the world of science, the small building blocks of matter are known as atoms. These minute particles can exist independently or combine with others to form life-giving molecules. Similarly, in our pursuit of spiritual fulfillment, we cannot afford to have a narrow or stagnant perspective of the challenges and obstacles that come our way. We must not underestimate the significance of seemingly insignificant parts, as they hold vast potential and can be critical components in our journey towards new covenant fulfillment. (Combating a spirit of fear, isolation, hurting and wounded places). Are we getting the fuller picture now?

To achieve this, we must commit to the process of Connecting and Stimulating these smaller parts, integrating them with the larger Vision and focus of the church. This collective effort generates power, anointing, and effectiveness. On the other hand, isolation and a lack of movement can cause the church to become stagnant, leading to suspended rest, and ultimately resulting in missed potential. Without a clear focus, our activities may appear to be fruitful, but inwardly they are void and lifeless, ripe for troubles and mismanagement. With a lack of clarity in our focus, our actions can deceive us into thinking that they are producing fruit, but inwardly they are empty and dead. This leaves us vulnerable to difficulties and mishandling of important themes and topics due to an unhealthy mindset. Therefore, it is crucial for us to maintain our spiritual health by connecting with correct methods and reconciling broken ones with the values, perspectives, and power that God holds over every single pain that isolates us from the example of His life. This is where the Two-Column approach comes in, as it provides a framework for navigating the complexities of our faith and helps us align our actions with the character and nature of Christ. By utilizing this approach, we can cultivate a thriving spiritual life that is based on the power and promises of the New Covenant fulfillment.

Thus, we must always remain intentional in our approach, seeking to incorporate all parts of the body, no matter how small or insignificant they may appear to be, into the larger collective effort of new covenant fulfillment. By doing so, we can unlock the full potential of the church and experience the abundance of blessings and fulfillment that God has promised us.

We did not post these findings until we saw our "group" follow-through with the articles, because this very articles explains more in-depth what it is actually being communicated. New Covenant 'Group' is the process in which people come together to form the collective unity of assembling before God, make Him the priority of our rest and values we lay claim to upon the person of Christ. (A dynamic converging of many segments breaking through, living in and testifying uniformly under the overriding principles of Spirit empowered Truth, not just truth isolated from the dynamics, but of that truth being made real, made tangible- made complete in our interactions of which God presented His holiness upon what we perceive is the person of Christ on a stable foundation. Prompting us to greater involvement and stimulation through prayer, producing what becomes greater witness of power as God confirms a Word of God to us. You share, speak and bridge these places that are missing in people's understanding, using them as supports to commend and empower the body of Christ in your encouragement of God's completeness in one another...You become an accurate, stable and even keel, valid, canonically inspired christian who is developing into one who supports and builds up the body of Christ on this model.

  • I have a homework assignment for the volunteer: What church model is CDCS Research based on? What data-set, form, or foundation underlines the length and extent of the article you're reading? We believe that a thorough examination of our work will reveal that our platform is firmly grounded in a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of church development and spiritual support on a grass roots model. Moreover, we have taken pains to ensure that our research reflects the principles of New Covenant fulfillment, as outlined in the biblical texts. With a clear focus on the values, perspectives, and power that God holds over every single pain that isolates us from the example of His life- God gave us a plan to navigate, rise above, leave behind, and crush as it were the process of flawed human design always seeing the broad strokes of grey matter from corrupt inward representations of ourselves that fear keeps projecting onto the good things God is trying to offer us with Himself. To learn in discipleship is to place it under our feet with all of the deceptions carrying weight on our response to the voice of God! Carrying the cross in the dedicated side-more prominent side of discipleship- is the safest way to get there!

We must start with the foundation of the New Covenant and function in that identity to experience freedom in those faith values. This leads to the correct groundwork and the primary thriving model of stages of recovery for the church.

Our focus should be on adjusting, regulating, committing, and setting the right interests. Concentration affects movement, so we must spark interest, support, involvement, and giving. Implementation should be solid and simple to apply, absorbing helpful information in the area of concentration, which is corporate vision and structure.

Genuine passion should be fluid and in motion, followed by intentional driving focus and a solid vision moving forward. Superficial vibrancy is shallow ground built on little concentration. (What Hinders that expression most?)

Expanding and extending requires progression and recovery. Stagnation is compacted and motionless, suspending, and passive rest with nominal output and stillness. Vibrancy is flowing over time, spread too thin with no concentration, disturbed but stimulated. Pull back, set right, and regulate. (What this means is, you are Idle- desperately holding on to former works or provisions, but not moving forward to inspire the greater formations God has yet reserved under an open heaven. It may interest you to reflect on a key thing here: God doesn't just want your dependency on Him in everything, He wants to you do in the correct perspective- not of itself: disease spreads here regardless of how bad we want something if we aren't committing to a fresh empowerment of that dependency every day. Navigating with unfounded desires which we employ superficially- incorrectly on faulty ideas- is still uncontrolled chaos and spiritual decay. We commit to God, but how we commit to God is where He is defining our faith in Him. (Context of the Law, striving, works, performance or we commit our spiritual life to agree with Christ's completeness)

This transformative progression leads to a stage of recovery to deal with impulsive mismanagement and discontentment. We must address the bridge between the focus, passion, and expansion to maintain the momentum and health of the atoms toward the foundation of the molecular structure of God's promises back to the New Covenant rest in His fulfillment.

Tiniest particle Group or segment - Individual

Tiniest particle Group or segment - Prayer

Tiniest particle Group or segment - Marriage

Tiniest particle Group or segment - Youth
 Unified, conjoined, empowered, nourished, directed and validated: Becomes The Body of Christ.

The tiniest particle groups or segments, such as individuals, prayer, marriage, and youth, are all affected by this thriving model. To maintain this model, we need good transformative transition to regroup, protect against burnout, and recover. We must decompress and reinvigorate in a solid timeframe of stillness, rekindling the flame and focusing back on the theme, vision, and corporate needs. Inflaming genuine passion and addressing comfort zones, we can get smaller groups back to the frontlines of the essential mission of the church.

                      Here we see how a thriving church model in 'a promise based faith', applies to the way we mishandle and misapply themes of scripture without an accurate "model" to base that faith upon. We fully ascribe that the inspired information God speaks upon the basis of His voice is rudimental in the faith we are called to hear and witness in this thriving model. You can't hear from God if any of our growth, or perception is disconnected from this rightfully divided and interpreted data from scripture and is a valid dependency on Christ's provision to grow in His knowledge on a solid structure of New Covenant. And is the only way to live in a productive rest against the compulsion, driving fear, or inadequacy pushing us to perform for God, instead of live for God in 'His Covenant based on the grassroots model of His Promise.' It is imperative we are hit with the realization any part or segment of Christ out of joint, out of character or out of grasp in our development cannot further birth the deeper aspirations of God's realized potentiality to thrive!

The findings of our research provide a nuanced perspective on the complex relationships between the molecular structure of a thriving church model and the three church bases, and underscore the importance of a comprehensive approach to understanding the dynamics of the modern church.

Can I remind us the heels of revival and spiritual awakening and the giving of the Spirit of God in confirmation of the church's power is founded upon this model!

Jesus' instructions to His disciples were clear and concise, and were based on a model of waiting. In His perfect design for us, He commands us not to look away while we wait, nor to become too inwardly focused in our perseverance, nor to remain idle while the struggles of life wear us down. Rather, in moments of stillness, we are to allow God to reveal Himself to us through the picture of a glory laden picture of Christ in His fulfillment state, and to wait until we are endued with power. Acts 2. We must set things right by removing distractions, broken reforms, and restore our faith in Jesus. By giving attention to the corporate structure of the Church in His promises, Jesus promises to give us the power behind these promises, which will testify of Him. We don't have to fake the voice of God - His voice will speak to us like a windstorm if we desire it. The evidence of what is clear, right, and true of God is a searing fire on our conscience, urging us to serve His eternal power and live within its power.

"Our question today should be not if it is right of God to refrain from moving again across the broken landscape of idle teaching, broken promises, and unfulfilled expectations we have created in the church by passivity, but how un-right it would be if God didn't move when we cried out for it through our sincerity!"


                  Column 1: Misconceptions and pitfalls that can hinder the growth and effectiveness of a church

Misconception: Seeing unpleasant matters as hindrances to spiritual fulfillment

Example: Some people may view challenges or difficult situations within the church as obstacles to spiritual growth and may be tempted to avoid them or sweep them under the rug rather than addressing them.

Pitfall: Isolation and lack of movement

Example: If individual members or groups within a church become isolated or disconnected from the larger community, it can lead to stagnation and lack of growth.

Citation: "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another." - Hebrews 10:24-25

                  Column 2: Key principles and practices for a thriving church model

Committing: Making a deliberate commitment to the vision and mission of the church

Example: Members who are fully committed to the church's vision and mission are more likely to contribute their talents and resources to its growth and effectiveness.

Connecting: Building relationships and fostering community within the church

Example: When members feel connected to one another and to the larger community, they are more likely to support and encourage one another in their spiritual journeys.

Stimulating: Continuously seeking opportunities for growth and development, both individually and as a community

Example: A thriving church model involves a culture of ongoing learning, reflection, and innovation, as members seek to deepen their understanding of God and how to live out their faith in the world.

Citation: "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen." - 2 Peter 3:18

Column 1: Discussion of the statement on the molecular structure of a thriving church model

  • The foundation of a thriving church model is based on the new covenant, function in that identity, and freedom in those faith values.
  • The correct groundwork is essential for the primary thriving model of stages of recovery for the church.
  • The thriving model includes three stages: focus, passion, and expand.
  • The focus stage involves adjusting, regulating, committing, and setting the right interest and attention.
  • Implementation is important in this stage, and the area of concentration is the corporate vision and structure.
  • The passion stage involves attaching, connecting, and observing groups with genuine passion and a solid vision moving forward.
  • Superficial vibrancy is a risk in this stage.
  • The expand stage involves dispersed, expanding, extending, and progressing recovery.
  • Stagnancy is a risk in this stage, as is being spread too thin without enough concentration.
  • A transformative transition is necessary to protect against burnout and superficial effort, leading to a stage of recovery to deal with impulsive mismanagement and discontentment.
  • The momentum and health of the church's atoms are critical to the foundation of the molecular structure of God's promises back to the new covenant rest in His fulfillment.

Column 2: The impact of the concept of a thriving church model on the three types of church bases

  • Conventional churches based on "agreed upon consensus" could benefit from a thriving church model by promoting the correct groundwork, genuine passion, and transformative progression.
  • Traditional churches based on "a style passed down" may find it challenging to adopt a thriving church model, but could benefit from increased focus, passion, and expansion in their traditions.
  • Makeshift churches based on "divergent non-denominational" foundations may be most open to a thriving church model, as it aligns with their internally defined correct way or method and could help them avoid superficial vibrancy and stagnancy.

             What you are seeing in the chart above:


We have noticed in a common theme interweaved, possibility of unification of all three finding benefit of all three church basis on the molecular structure of a thriving church model:

  • The concept of a thriving church model and the principles of the molecular structure of a thriving church can benefit all three church bases, regardless of their differences in approach and tradition. By focusing on the foundation of the New Covenant, function in that identity, and freedom in those faith values, the church can set the correct groundwork for the stages of recovery and growth. The key themes of adjusting, regulating, committing, setting right, attaching, connecting, observing, and expanding can all be applied to the conventional, traditional, and makeshift church bases to help them thrive and fulfill their mission. Ultimately, the success of a church is not determined by its basis or tradition, but by its ability to implement these principles and adapt to the changing needs of its community.                     


Definition of a thriving church model

Importance of understanding the molecular structure of a thriving church model

                                II. Three Types of Church Bases

A. Conventional Church Base

Agreed upon consensus
Importance of structure

Makes every provision for unity and agreement

Can benefit from a thriving church model through increased focus, passion, and expansion

Conventional: An agreed-upon consensus church base must recognize that the church's molecular structure is vital to its thriving. Its members must commit, connect, and stimulate each other to generate power, anointing, and effectiveness.

B. Traditional Church Base

Style passed down

Emphasizes continuity with the past

Can benefit from a thriving church model through intentional transformation and revitalization

Traditional: A style passed down church base must realize that although tradition is crucial, it should not lead to isolation or lack of movement. The church's molecular structure should be dynamic, continually combining atoms to form molecules of life and spiritual fulfillment.

C. Makeshift Church Base

Divergent, non-denominational

Excludes outside influence

Can benefit from a thriving church model through increased focus on corporate vision and structure

Makeshift: A divergent non-denominational church base should recognize that its internally defined correct way or method must incorporate the principles of the molecular structure of a thriving church. It must commit, connect, and stimulate its members to generate power, anointing, and effectiveness, and avoid isolation and stagnation.

 III. Molecular Structure of a Thriving Church Model

A. Foundation of New Covenant

     Function in that identity                              

     Freedom in those faith values

     Primary thriving model of stages of recovery for the church

B. Focus

Adjust, regulate, commit, set right

Interest: attention (concentration affects movement)

Spark interest, support, involvement, giving

Area of concentration: corporate vision, structure

C. Passion

Attach, connect, observe, groups

Genuine passion: fluidity, motion followed by intentional driving focus, solid vision moving forward

Superficial vibrance: shallow ground- building on little concentration

D. Expand

Dispersed, expanding, extending, progression, recovery

Stagnant: compacted, motionless, suspending, passive rest, nominal output, stillness, too much accumulation

Vibrant: flowing over time, spread too thin, no concentration, disturbed but stimulated, pull back, set right, regulate

IV. Conclusion

  • Protecting from burnout, superficial effort
  • Productive dispersing, "does not have much strength"
  • Need to regroup to productive rest
  • Decompression: Re-invigorate in a solid timeframe in stillness
  • Rekindle flame
  • Focus back to theme, vision, corporate needs
  • All three types of church bases can benefit from a molecular structure of a thriving church model
  • Each type can apply the principles of focus, passion, and expansion to revitalize their congregation and fulfill the New Covenant promise of spiritual fulfillment
  • Inflame genuine passion, address comfort zones, getting the smaller groups back to frontlines of essential mission of church.

  • In summary, the concept of a thriving church model in new covenant fulfillment is essential for all types of church bases to create a dynamic molecular structure that generates power, anointing, and effectiveness.



Key Themes:


"In times of stillness- we are letting God try and prove Himself for us in what He has brought into fruition of His broken body for us"

"Through the power of faith and the presence of God's Spirit, a true model of the church is being fashioned, offering a living witness to God's promise of safe passage through the storms of life"

"Our question today should be not if it is right of God to refrain from moving again across the broken landscape of idle teaching, broken promises, and unfulfilled expectations we have created in the church by passivity, but how un-right it would be if God didn't move when we cried out for it through our sincerity!"

"It is imperative we are hit with the realization any part or segment of Christ out of joint, out of character or out of grasp in our development cannot further birth the deeper aspirations of God's realized potentiality to thrive!"

~CDCS RESEARCH, Kevin Simon.

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Dr Sherri Tenpenny (Tuesday, 27 June 2023 23:53)
