A Non-Charismatic, Non-Prophetic, NON-COMMUNAL Group

I. Outline

  • The focus of our platform on being non-charismatic and non-prophetic
  • The importance of qualification based on identity, worthiness, and freedom in Christ

II. The absence of charismatic or prophetic guidelines or denominational focuses

  • The importance of avoiding a focus on these things in our approach and doctrine

III. The emphasis on the New Covenant in our platform

  • The role of the New Covenant in establishing qualification based on identity, worthiness, and freedom in Christ

IV. Conclusion

  • The importance of focusing on qualification based on Christ's finished work rather than charismatic or prophetic guidelines or denominational focuses

2. Freedom from Mismanagement of Spiritual Life

  • The focus of our platform on mismanagement in spiritual organizations and the wider spiritual community
  • The presentation of historical gospel truth on our platform
  • The grassroots and empowering approach of our platform

II. The power of the New Covenant to bring redemption and forgiveness through Jesus Christ

  • The ability of Christ to handle all things and deliver us from the darkness we may be facing
  • The importance of trusting in Christ's promise to deliver us in the midst of any storm or challenge

III. The victory that we have in Christ over sin and death

  • The hope and rest that is available to us through the New Covenant
  • The freedom that we can find from the cycles of self-defeat and brokenness that may threaten to control us

IV. Support for Christian ministries dealing with burnout, dry times, and mediocrity/stagnation

  • The active passion in prayer and witness of His presence that contributes to our support
  • The importance of finding rest and renewal in the presence of God

V. Conclusion

  • The importance of examining and addressing mismanagement in the spiritual community
  • The value of presenting historical gospel truth in a clear and accurate way
  • The empowering approach of our platform in helping individuals to establish their own identity, worthiness, and freedom in Christ



3. The importance of rightly handling the word of truth in a balanced, even-keeled manner in order to reveal God's perfect plan, specifically in Christ's fulfillment.

  • The importance of even-keeled, qualified prayer in enabling us to thrive and find rest
  • The role of the New Covenant in helping us to be active in God's fullness

II. The dangers of allowing scriptures to become lofty standards or sources of spiritual pride or intellectual distraction

The importance of avoiding a works mentality and focusing on Christ's finished work

III. The role of visuals and Orthodox Canon in understanding the New Covenant

  • The importance of using revelation as the official standard for understanding spiritual roles and teachings
  • The foundation that Jesus laid for this understanding through His earthly ministry

IV. Conclusion

  • The importance of targeting spiritual roles wisely and elevating Orthodox canon to a New Covenant understanding
  • The benefits of finding rest and renewal in the presence of God through qualified prayer and a focus on Christ's finished work


To saints, and broken followers of Christ.

A Non-Charismatic and Non-Prophetic Group

We do not operate with any charismatic or prophetic guidelines, or denominational focuses around them in any manner of approach or doctrine. Rather, we are a new covenant platform establishing identity, worthiness, and freedom in Christ. Covering mismanagement of spiritual life of staff, ranks and leadership, and presentation of historical Gospel truth if it steers from the New Covenant. 

Freedom from Mismanagement of Spiritual Life



"One of the main academic points of our platform is the focus on mismanagement in spiritual organizations and the wider spiritual community. This includes examining the ways in which spiritual practices and teachings are often mishandled or distorted, and offering insights and guidance on how to avoid these pitfalls.

 Another key focus of our platform is the presentation of historical gospel truth. This involves presenting the teachings of Jesus and the early Christian church in a clear and accurate way, and providing resources for those who may be unfamiliar with these teachings.



  Our platform is grassroots and not top-down: meaning that we seek to empower individuals to take initiative of their own spiritual lives and establish their own identity, worthiness, and freedom in Christ only by His complete promise. 
We also offer information and support for Christian ministries dealing with burnout, dry times, and mediocrity/stagnation, based on our own active passion in prayer and witness of His presence."

"Trying to please God in our flesh while struggling to balance ministry life, home life, and practical life."

 For this reason, a need exists of getting back to the correct voice of God and addressing the challenges that broken saints may face in trying to balance ministry life, home life, and practical life:

"As broken saints, we may often struggle to balance the demands of ministry life, home life, and practical life, and we may find ourselves caught in cycles of striving to please God in our flesh. But the New Covenant promise of rest reminds us that we can find true fulfillment and peace by turning to God in trust and relying on His promise to deliver us from the darkness we may be facing.

Through the power of Christ and the guidance of His voice, we can find hope and freedom from the cycles of self-defeat and brokenness that may threaten to control us, and we can experience the fullness and rest that God desires for us."


How even-keeled, qualified prayer can lead to recovering sufficiently through times of stillness to enable thriving, productive rest where we are not tied to our gifts and talents, we're active in His fulness through New Covenant.

           We don't permit what God has arranged for us in the scriptures to become lofty standards, spiritual pride, or intellectual distraction from a works mentality. In order to competently address these major needs in the healthy of the body, we're creating visuals upon the official standard of revelation; targeting spiritual roles wisely that elevate Orthodox canon straight to New Covenant understanding; Jesus laid such groundwork in his earthly ministry.

OVERVIEW: What our presentation, outline and goals mean for you.

(a) This outline emphasizes the non-charismatic and non-prophetic focus of our platform, and the absence of charismatic or prophetic guidelines or denominational focuses in our approach and doctrine. It also highlights the emphasis on the New Covenant in our platform, and the role of the New Covenant in establishing qualification based on identity, worthiness, and freedom in Christ. Overall, the outline presents a comprehensive overview of the focus of our platform on qualification based on Christ's finished work rather than charismatic or prophetic guidelines or denominational focuses.

(b) This revised outline incorporates the main academic points of our platform, including the focus on mismanagement, the presentation of historical gospel truth, and the empowering approach. It also highlights the themes of the power of the New Covenant, the victory that we have in Christ. Additionally, it includes the support that our platform offers for Christian ministries dealing with burnout, dry times, and mediocrity/stagnation, based on our own active passion in prayer and witness of His presence. Finally, the conclusion underscores the importance of examining and addressing mismanagement in the spiritual community, the value of presenting historical gospel truth in a clear and accurate way, and the empowering approach of our platform in helping individuals to establish their own identity, worthiness, and freedom in Christ.

(c) This outline highlights the importance of even-keeled, qualified prayer in helping us to thrive and find rest in the New Covenant. It also emphasizes the dangers of allowing scriptures or other spiritual teachings to become sources of pride or distraction, and the importance of avoiding a works mentality in favor of focusing on Christ's finished work. The outline also highlights the role of visuals and Orthodox canon in understanding the New Covenant, and the foundation that Jesus laid for this understanding through His earthly ministry. Overall, the outline presents a comprehensive overview of the importance of qualified prayer and an understanding of the New Covenant in helping us to thrive and find rest in the presence of God.

 (d) This outline emphasizes the importance of tackling various perspectives and handling the word of truth in a balanced, even-keeled manner in order to avoid broken reform and the creation of victims. It also highlights the focus on the New Covenant in our platform.