Please drop a note or a brief word of reply; a sense of gratitude, a testimonial; on-going prayers or professional sentiments how
this platform has impacted you.
I.E: A small sentence of keyword to sum up your overall opinion or impression.
What are your vibrant viewpoints, points of reaching consensus, or productive interpretation of this platform in the last year?
2/22/2024 11:37am
- Where do you most see changes requiring special attention?
- What needs to remain consistent?
- What needs to be phased out?
- What (perspective, value system or manner of proceeding) needs to return?
- What concept or theme impacted you the most in the last year?
- What is your impression of our content, reach and influence?
- What causes you to remain with us in user interactivity and participation this past and current year?
- How have you personally and professionally benefitted from our platform?
Where has it most become beneficial of effective in your perception of eternal realities?
- Is prayer one of the major selling points of power and influence in your life as a received quality of this platform?
- Are the times you most felt compelled to be present, still a current favorable condition? What was it specifically which made it easy to participate? The people, structure, strong leadership
order, winning principles, strength of communication and insight?
- If you desire to hold meaningful interaction and user-ship, what renewed terms from us, or from the group, is essential for renewed interest or sense of belonging, paving the way for your
continued contribution?
What are the pivotal drawbacks, scandals, question marks, or points of contention, interfering with your future involvement with CBH, CDCS AND MC?
What is required to reverse course to produce a more lasting, friendly and empowering environment all can benefit from? Are their just plain-as-day, groups or followings, with a
redline of participation who should never be allowed on this platform regardless of how much redemption or grace-centered themes are promoted here?
A. I have no issue, I just don't have time to read as much.
B. I have many issues, yet I overlook what doesn't apply to me and always find a concept or point of interest holding me, here.
C. I often refrain from commenting because an issue is always surfacing before I can comment-- from a third party or influence I'm not in support of; a guest I'm not sure about; or a subject
or theme i'm not a fan of--always seems to arise when I feel most interested to return!?
D. I want things to go back to normal, (Pre-political campaign)
E. What does an ideal-- CDCS Research day of commenting, reading and interaction look like in your outlooks? What experience defined your prior participation and obsession with
F. It seems people visiting in the last few months don't have good intentions or affiliations, and they are misusing everyone's trust; I'm uneasy moving forward with CBH!
G. IS WKS now supporting secular interests or persons without enforcing guidelines or establishing platform unity to accommodate non-Christian groups, or is it structured forms of outreach to
outside affiliations in hopes of a wholesome outcome of meeting toward hurting and wounded circles?
MINISTRY : LINK We feature the MFA. It is my strong leadership conviction to support our on-going vibrant partnership with Israel. My professional words of confidence have been
favorably conveyed at length with
many of these exceptional voices. As a platform, we progress with uncompromising dedication to their
unique and established God-given purpose. In full regard for their security, preservation and stability in all facets of societal standing on the world stage!
Natalie Portman (Friday, 23 February 2024 08:15)
Thank you!
(WKS) LEADER: KEVIN SIMON (Thursday, 22 February 2024 13:43)
Natalie Portman,
With Supreme Honors,
Below this comment section, I have replied to your inquiry with a formal address. A first, WKS introduction and professional greeting for you personally, to explain a few things.
With high sense of priority, I do favor your special influence and powerful perspective. With sincere praise and genuine admiration on the highest professional terms, I truly am alleviated with great confidence to see you arrive.
It must be known, I uphold your standing and renown with remarkable fervor of spirit and graciously accept your shining worth on this platform.
I personally hold a favorable opinion of your special skill. In many stand-out contributions, do possesses a nuance of vibrant grace, versatility of impact, of your resonate interpretive emotion. Additionally--the elevation of your complex artistry which you evoke in your triumphant perceptions-- clearly defines your expressive craftsmanship. No less, you are deserving of the accolades of such convincing portrayals of stark realism. The dynamic resilience in your winning persona is recognized with sincere honor. It is a privilege to usher you in with 'thunderous applause,' without any unpleasantry or hesitation."
I do make appeal. Within the royal spirit of your entrance, is only met with high regard of our guests and members in like manner--with full effect, honor your generous spirit!
|"I urge all members to rally support and carefully give you tremendous levity and professional courage in unyielding acceptance of your persona, with unquestioning love and loyalty."|
With Professional Regards,
Kevin Simon (WKS)
Paula Scanlan (Thursday, 22 February 2024 11:22)
A. I have no issue, I just don't have time to read as much.
Natalie Portman (Thursday, 22 February 2024 11:21)
I'm answering the last question with C &G. I have been here for months. Sometimes, I find it odd that the only people you are reaching are celebrities and famous people, but then I realize they are the most hurt and twisted people in the world that actually need your platform. I come to realize that these people are here because they've seen your undeniable talent.
I think the reason I went against you in the past week is because I had never before heard of this place, therefore, I felt like I was being left out and people didn't want me to be a part of this place because they didn't tell me. And, I guess I can be a little judgmental when it comes to exploring new things.