The Fundamental Essence of A Thriving Structure: Promise-based Faith Explained. Human effort and standard, or a vision beyond our human qualification?


Dynamics broken down and explained. DRAFTED Sept. 24th, Updated 10/26/2023
(WIP) More revisions to be added with more notes)

Consider these critical questions to set a firm foundation:

  • "What are the struggles and distorted narratives that hinder our thriving narrative?"

  • Is God's mercy a feeble, passive force working within the bounds of human limitations and perspectives--awaiting our finite, human attempts at perfecting a formula which will increase divine activity for us?
  • Or is it the very concept that places us under qualified power, ensuring consistent provision and leading us to genuine triumphs?
  • Where lies our consistency: "Is God's mercy something that triumphs sporadically or is it responsive only to human efforts on rare occasions?"
  • Are we prevailing over each breaking point or getting overwhelmed by them? Is not human reach and effectiveness subject to breaking point, then, in light of what prevents us in our human condition from thriving?
  • Aren't breaking points a sign of standards living in the world in a limited capacity which finds a stagnating standard of existence?
  • How can we grasp the qualified concepts that God consistently communicates without yielding to notions that contradict God's voice?
  • Can we successfully navigate storms at our breaking points while wrestling with receiving provisions we don't feel deserving of? In an old covenant mindset--how can we receive a hand of support from God if He's the one saying, "you can't because you're broken," because we are subject to things not worthy of Him?
  • How can we expect to encounter a consistent representation of Christ if we often find ourselves succumbing to captive narrative limiting our capacity to thrive in structure which possessing no limits?


Limitations to Thriving Dynamics:

  • Trying to define circumstances reactively within ourselves, which limits us from God's defining perspective.
    Focusing on worldly processes and incomplete objectives that cannot validate us or empower our voice.
  • Allowing fear and contention to dominate our lives when we embrace narratives contrary to the eternal perspective offered by Christ.
  • Adopting a broken definition as the standard for our personal development through limited goals.
  • Using incomplete methods of progress that lead to temporary fixes and reforms.
  • Having an insufficient perspective of success through objectives that fall short.
  • Living according to the world's standards, which operate within limited capacities.
  • Failing to arrive at conclusions in our lives that align with what God defines as real.
  • Getting trapped in a broken mindset and remaining stuck in human standards.
  • Facing the limits of human reasoning when confronted with eternal realities beyond human control or remedy.
    Embracing Contradiction at the cost of spiritual progress. Contrary ideology, broken influences and separation are driving us through false narrative away from God.

Solutions and Winning Mindset:

  • Embrace an eternal perspective resulting from a healed expression, confirmed by God's power and genuine interventions of His mercy.
  • The closer we are to a thriving structure and complete narrative, the more we can embrace God's perfect design.
  • Recognize that a perfect design leads us to live through a healed objective that goes beyond ourselves.
  • Thrive and rest in response to every intervention of God's promise.
  • Validate everything that results, confirming qualified proof of every other reality and concept.
  • Understand that a thriving dynamic isn't a buildup of absorbed themes but a priority that represents every proof built on top of a definitive thriving dynamic.
  • Acknowledge that all growth and progress in a fulfillment ideology are based on God's breakthroughs through every act of mercy, helping us address our own incompleteness. An incompleteness trapped in human condition.
  • Realize that you can't live with a controlled perception and still embrace the New Covenant perspective, as a controlled narrative operates under human standards, while thriving involves an unlimited grasp of eternal reality.
  • Recognize vulnerabilities are shaping our concepts of God through human standard. Becoming silent, driving influences contrary to God, with pronounced affects: "Dominant values of unhealed perspective, victimizing our spiritual progress are all symptoms of manifesting process through a losing mindset--working against God's defined realities."


In the New Covenant church's thriving framework, we embark on a journey that transcends mere adherence to external standards, embracing instead the boundless potential of a more potent objective, all within the constraints of our human limitations. This dynamic empowers us, not just to survive but to thrive, offering us opportunities for profound experiences that can redefine our reality. It’s a transformation from a fragmented state to an enlightened perspective. Our thriving isn’t built on mere reaction to challenges, but on a healed perspective that remains unshaken even in the face of oppositional narratives. We discover a place where pain and fear can't limit or defeat us, a space infused with the promise and fulfillment of the New Covenant and the unchanging voice of God. This thriving, nurtured through an uplifting demeanor, makes us adaptive and resilient, enabling us to navigate life's complexities and thrive beyond definition. It is, indeed, a divine expression of power and beauty, a journey where, in the face of overwhelming storms, we perceive not defeat but a testament to our strength of virtue, granting us passage into realms beyond ourselves. Academic insights into thriving dynamics underscore that true thriving is deeply rooted in divine intervention, and it goes beyond surviving challenges. It's a primary effect of complete faith, a revival of supernatural thriving. Such thriving can't coexist with a limited understanding of God's plan or a focus on human standards, which often leads to a stagnant spiritual life. God resists this, and we can only thrive when we align with His divine perspective, transcending our limitations.

At its core, this narrative signifies a transformational journey toward a higher mandate of faith, one that transcends mere human standards and ambitions. It symbolizes a path of divine empowerment and revelation that defies our limitations and holds the promise of a thriving existence.

This synopsis weaves together the key elements of thriving dynamics: a shift from external standards to boundless objectives, the transformation from fragmentation to healing, the embrace of divine perspective, and the triumph over challenges. It portrays thriving as a dynamic force that empowers us to stand firm in the face of adversity, guided by the unchanging voice of God, and it highlights the importance of aligning with divine perspectives for true thriving. 

In the intricate tapestry of thriving dynamics within the New Covenant and the unchanging voice of God, the concept of spiritual pride emerges as a stark counterpoint. It's the force that sows the seeds of contention and manipulation, distancing us from the completeness that Christ offers through His sacrifice. This spiritual pride, with its roots in human standards and self-reliance, stands as the very antithesis of thriving. When we cling to it, we find ourselves at odds with God, for He resists the arrogance that blinds us to our need for divine grace and redemption. In the narrative of thriving, the path to completeness requires humility, where human abilities and efforts yield to the greater power of God. It's a humbling journey that transcends the limitations of spiritual pride and allows us to stand firm in the unchanging voice of God, free from the weights of contention and manipulation, and open to the transformative power of Christ's sacrifice. Our crux of what we are casting down in our vain imaginations is prayer are not uncertain, but clearly manifest in our prayer times as our need for supernatural power in Christ becomes evident in our times of striving and self-motivations. In this process, He only needs to humble areas that are bent on resisting His promise from working in our situation with His presence involved--through our challenges!


"The Triumph of Boundless Faith"

In a bustling, modern city, our story unfolds, where the New Covenant church's thriving framework sets the stage for a transformational journey. Meet Sarah, a resilient woman who has spent most of her life adhering to external standards and battling the limitations of her human existence. Working as an overburdened accountant, she felt trapped in a cycle of mere survival. Yet, an encounter with a wise, old preacher sparked a burning desire for more—a desire for boundless faith.

As Sarah delves into the thriving framework of the New Covenant, she begins to unravel the struggles and distorted narratives that have held her back for so long. She grapples with questions, like the feeble nature of God's mercy, and whether divine power is merely responsive to human effort. Her journey takes her through triumphs and challenges, as she redefines her understanding of faith and purpose.

Through the guidance of the preacher and her newfound faith community, Sarah learns to embrace an eternal perspective that transcends her limitations. She discovers the consistent and powerful voice of God, always ready to uplift and provide. With time, her fractured narrative begins to heal, and she finds herself thriving in the face of adversity, even as she navigates storms at her breaking points. The mundane life of reacting to circumstances is replaced with a vibrant, thriving structure, free from fear and contention.

Yet, Sarah's journey isn't without opposition. Her family and friends struggle to understand her newfound perspective, rooted in thriving dynamics. Some still cling to worldly processes and incomplete objectives that, in Sarah's eyes, cannot validate or empower their voices. But Sarah remains undeterred, realizing the importance of living according to God's standards, unbound by human limitations. A narrative not meant to be carried by ourselves, but carried for us through a hand of stable support in fulfilled promises.

As Sarah's life transforms, she begins to see that limitations to thriving dynamics exist only in one's mind. She embarks on a mission to share her newfound wisdom with her community, helping others embrace the thriving framework and defy false narratives.

This tale of inspiration serves as a testament to the power of faith, the triumph over adversity, and the endless potential that exists within every human heart. It reminds us that thriving dynamics are not confined to external standards or human limitations, but rather, they emerge from the unchanging voice of God, leading us to a life of boundless faith and fulfillment.


Overall, these comparisons and contrasts provide a comprehensive understanding of the limitations that hinder thriving dynamics and offer valuable insights into the solutions and mindset needed to overcome them within the context of the New Covenant.


To foster a spirit of resilience in our spiritual journey, marked by clear and purposeful progress aligned with standards greater than our own, we must carefully examine the impacts of opposing God's voice. We should also emphasize the proper response required for a thriving framework and dynamic, all while recognizing the vital role of a sound concept of progress and the constraints imposed by distorted values.

Our approach is rooted in the understanding that there are more supports and empowering forces at play, working in our favor, than any opposition seeking to hinder us. Hindrances attempt to keep us broken and limited through false reasoning. In facing difficulties, we must adopt a healed concept because challenges can lead to erroneous conclusions and narratives. These false narratives often lead us to embrace ideals that God cannot validate or work through, as they signal opposition within the crisis, attempting to invade our space and divert us from the solution. However, this does not mean they warrant God's permission or should lead to an abandonment of God's ability or care through them. God doesn't create a stipulation by response to our trial where we are unable to let go of distortion through our perceived inability, God's concept of thriving mean, "He creates the basis of progress, in which we can let go if it." 

The truth of dynamic living is affirmed daily through impossible struggles. We come to understand that God has no discernible reason to qualify us or work in our outcomes to produce a favorable result if we cling to captive narratives. A defeated mindset that says, "I failed to succeed. So God failed to act," stems from our failure to believe how God defines our impossible realities.  Instead, our frame of mind should assert that we are walking in a qualified perspective through the promise of thriving, even in the midst of failings, defeats, and brokenness that attempt to define and limit us in overwhelming circumstances. We don't just fail to arrive in an incomplete narrative--constraining virtues emerge in their place, weakening personal power and dampening perception as we are victim to a limited grasp, reactive to their negative counterparts and expression we can't control.

However, this doesn't imply that they have God's endorsement or should prompt us to lose faith in His ability and care. God doesn't set a condition in response to our trials where we're unable to release the distortions through our perceived incapability. God's concept of thriving signifies that He establishes the foundation of progress, enabling us to let go of these distortions. We mustn't cling to alternative motives, fearing that God might fail in certain areas, compelling us to do as much 'right' as we can. This self-preservation is idolatry and is contrary to the voice of God, showcasing that the Word's standard isn't human but a promise revealed in the journey through God's thriving design as we undergo transformation beyond ourselves. It embodies the standard of God Himself defined in a transformative journey towards living in His fulfillment, empowering the changes He imparts to us through complete faith.

A flawed expression of false concepts weakens in the face of manipulative distractions, driven impulsively by narratives that limit our development. It's through these defeats and influences contrary to our true identity that we deviate, defined apart from God's interventions. Thriving is achieved through the healed proximity of provision facilitated by these interventions, not merely restored compliance with rules. A thriving standard of the New Covenant reinstates a perfect design within us. If we are already ensnared in a destructive delusion, why would God demand us to interpret the scriptures based on our failing attempts, affirming our powerlessness under the predominant weight of defeat? This is not a perfect design. Thriving under a perfect design harnesses the benefits of restored promises, addressing human effort based on its inherent goodness. God can't use an approach that obstructs the promise of supernatural breakthrough; it only stands in the way of the blessing God intends to impart. Hence, our constrained adherence to human standards and the ideology it produces, compels us to submit to the force of intimidation, succumbing to the driving influence of human potential. This epitomizes the construction of a false and incomplete image of Christ. Working tirelessly in vulnerability against thriving power. At its worst, it distorts the accurate voice and portrayal of who Christ truly is. The sad delusion of failing standard becomes painfully obvious. In the midst of trying to gain favor with what God qualifies beyond their grasp of weakness. 

|"God has infused His presence into all the proofs and evidences that manifest through the eternal reality at work in our lives. These serve as signs of His power, confirming His divine nature. Conversely, any perspective that captivates us in a way that hinders divine intervention reveals our unhealed, broken purpose, undermining even our most sincere efforts as they gravitate towards a flawed objective."|



The enemy often exploits this perceived failing dynamic in spiritual opposition to distract us from the breakthroughs on the horizon that our storms are truly representative of God's official position on the matter. True dynamic faith is a complete faith, unleashed from the constraint of reactivity to negative distractions. It entails not allowing negative reactions and problems to define us before we witness God's hand of power working within them, giving us resilient strength to overcome obstacles in our path.


|”If there is disunity, strife or broken connections, we can see a dampening of true spiritual moves of God--people stagnate and become restless, and discontent with spiritual things. People stop interacting on valuable foundation and essential feedback. We avoid these pitfalls of spiritual mismanagement not through spiritual rigor, but thriving dynamic on a promise based faith grounded in a complete picture of who we are in Christ, not "our striving to do better." 

Hence, the foremost priority is reconciliation, rather than resorting to exhaustive rules or subjecting ourselves to intense self-stipulation, which often leads to self-condemnation in our faith due to feelings of inadequacy. This, then, often becomes a blaming projection onto others who we feel lack our spiritual fervor. We must walk in simple steps in a wholesome objective governed by a spirit of mercy. The main goal is to overcome our misapplication of spiritual concepts in every situation at hand.
And find the merits they are actually empowering in our lives where we least expect or deserve it. Where we permit God to guide our pain and limitations, transforming our growth aspirations into a cohesive structure of wholeness known as a thriving promise. This promise embodies God's perception of us and aligns with His predetermined qualifications He meets with Himself as a consistent representation of everything that falls short of His requirement, propelling us forward into realms beyond our personal capacities—through the lens of the New Covenant."| WKS

The fundamental essence of a thriving structure within the New Covenant Church model is deeply rooted in understanding that our pursuit of God transcends mere human endeavors and perspectives. It's not about exhausting ourselves in seeking God through our limited human understanding or efforts; rather, it's about embracing a higher purpose that stems from the reality of God's promise. This promise operates within an eternal reality, propelling us beyond our own capabilities and limitations through the boundless mercy of God. Approaching God is not solely a human-driven endeavor; it's a larger narrative shaped by what surpasses our individual limitations. This narrative unfolds in a realm where our success or surrender to an empowering objective is not contingent upon our own abilities but is profoundly defined by a standard beyond our human limitations.

Within this framework, we encounter a restored purpose, a renewed cry, and an empowering foundation working behind the scenes supporting the merits of a eternal ideals built on a lasting promise, even amidst our darkest moments. We are sustained by the unwavering conditions set by eternal love. "No standard of Christianity may be built on concepts separate from the love of God, we are building on complete concepts, birthed from the love of God. Therefore, we can't embrace a standard of Christianity separate from God's love, we live in a standard birthed from His unfailing love." This form of dynamic concept is built directly on top of every other theme or topic we are ever inspired to take part in--can only be through a qualified perfect representation of every form of spiritual endeavor or progress, birthed from proving evidences of eternal reality or perspective.

In this divine framework, God's purpose primarily and exclusively revolves around elevating representations of Himself, made manifest through His fulfillment. His provision operates through the virtues of reconciling power, allowing us to thrive within a meticulously crafted design—a perfect design—that qualifies us and guides us towards a deeper connection with Him, transcending our human limitations.

He now sets the standard for every action and covers us with mercy, making way for divine intervention that surpasses mere human standards. For instance, when we are instructed to "keep ourselves in the love of God," it doesn't mean we must strive to earn favor or compile a list of good deeds to present in prayer for a more enriched experience. Instead, it signifies that we are qualified to engage, to live, and to triumph in what God has already conquered over us and through us.

Anything in New Covenant narrative, not ruled upon by thriving standard of human enablement, it is offered aside from it. We are never commanded by authorizing regulation of a 'promise' which decides upon our breakthroughs opposite of narratives which cancel it, oppose it or manipulate it separately than the spirit of mercy. We are graciously invited to thrive through a definition beyond human constructs."

Our position in Christ is not determined by our own efforts; rather, it's a representation of God's promise of rest, hope, and boundless power that transcends our human weaknesses.

Our reception of this representation is not a product of our human presentation; rather, we are presented based on the merits and example of what we fall short of, what we are separate from, and what we cannot achieve even with our best intentions. The thriving dynamic comes to life in our perspective when we acknowledge the realities at work, stepping away from defining ourselves by broken purposes, human frailties, and exhausting values that fail to address the challenges we face in unqualified spaces.

These spaces often deceive us with self-defeating limitations and distract us with our striving to measure up to them. They distance us from places of power when we attempt to seek God through mere human understanding and endeavor, detached from His promise of mercy. Our reception, our life, and our thriving are intricately tied to prioritizing the influence of this divine power, confirming our identity in Christ, even when we feel the least qualified or deserving of the outcomes. "In the context of the New Covenant and our thriving structure as a church, what may initially appear as a purpose that defeats us is, in fact, an opportunity for overcoming. These challenges seem to confirm a concept that separates us from God, but they are actually the very objectives that lead us to experience a mercy that qualifies us.

This mercy takes us beyond our struggles, transforming them from perceived failures to signals that elevate us in God's eyes. From His perspective, it is an invitation to adopt a higher vantage point — to no longer let these breaking points define us but to allow His power to flow through us. Through this, we can navigate these struggles and reach us consistently at the very point where they seem most challenging in our lives--or where we in our opinions about God don't reflect God's influence at play."

In essence, we are being lifted from our present state of captivity and brought into the God-designed realities through a perfect representation. We partake in a conquering and restoring narrative that unfolds on the grounds of His fulfillment. The Old Covenant illuminates what separates us from God due to our limitations and human standards, while the New Covenant reveals the path to fulfillment through God's promise, enabling us to step into a living reality beyond our own breaking point capacity to manifest it within ourselves.

"In the thriving structure of the New Covenant church, it's crucial to grasp that what seems like defeat or failure is often twisted by false narratives, orchestrated by opposing forces that aim to distort the concepts we're meant to embrace at the core of our prayers. These narratives endeavor to hinder us from receiving the voice of God during our prayers. It's imperative that we conquer and seize control over these vulnerabilities, as they counter the voice of God and push us towards adopting self-limiting perspectives.

Anything that obstructs us from receiving God's provision through an eternal perspective becomes a stumbling block preventing us from receiving His representation of divine power. When we reach a breaking point due to seemingly insurmountable circumstances that attempt to separate us from God, we must recognize that places restored by qualified provision take us beyond these limitations. In these restored places, we find fulfillment through Christ. In redemptive power we evade the cycles which weaken us by their (distortions) of the voice of God serving false narrative, to breed stagnation through servile fear and contention; supporting incomplete conclusions resulting from reactive captivity!

What Christ has fulfilled now represents and shines forth in the areas that previously fell short.

Moreover, we must be aware of the opposition, seeking to defeat us by exploiting our existing unhealed brokenness, diverting us from navigating the narrative beyond our control. This diversion pulls us away from reaching towards the seemingly impossible objective of an eternal perspective and dynamic. However, our healed understanding of struggle should never separate us from God. In the thriving dynamic of our faith, He presents us as complete through the ongoing process, guiding us to live without being dominated by the looming realities. To thrive dynamically means, "embracing the correct objectives presented equally matched with a definitive response, without allowing them to become distractions from our true purpose. In a healed mindset, we adopt values apart from human effort and inspire a thriving dynamic which brings them under Christ's anointed domain, under the foot of the Cross and breaks every captive narrative!

"A complete faith manifests in the dynamic of power of the specific provision it's built upon, shining through every crisis and struggle that initially seemed beyond our reach."


"In the framework of the New Covenant church and its thriving structure, we find ourselves thriving not merely within a stable principle or standard defined by external values imposed upon us, but rather, by living under the limitless value of a more powerful objective, even amid our limitations. This empowers us with the opportunity to engage in certain benefits and experiences. These experiences hold the potential for profound influence, enabling us to reshape the narrative, shift our perspective, and redefine our reality on a more complete and worthwhile basis than our previous state of mind.

This transformation stands in stark contrast to our fragmented former state, introducing us to a more informed and elevated perception. With this new perspective, we approach identical struggles with little or no variation in their ability to reach or affect us. A healed perspective thrives on values that transcend its own boundaries, extending beyond the struggles and reactions of the moment.

|"A healed perspective thrives on values beyond itself, transcending its struggles and reactive outcomes. We don't merely react to challenging environments but maintain composure in the face of oppositional narratives that attempt to undermine our worth and assumed control over our ongoing perceptions. This is a dynamic we learn—one that lacks the power to influence or determine a person’s success or ability. It empowers us to navigate the courses ahead, unaffected by their representation in our domain or our perceived limitations."|

In this thriving dynamic, we discover a place in our lives where neither pain nor fear can impose limits, drive us away, or defeat us. It is a space infused with the promise and fulfillment of the New Covenant, where we stand firm in the unchanging voice of God."

"Certainly, over-riding concepts are profoundly instrumental anchored in such premises of New Covenant standard, we often overlook as incomplete or vastly insignificant by our standards—a great proponent in revealing the benefits a thriving horizon can yield through consistent nurturing care and an uplifting demeanor. In this nurturing embrace, we ignite, reaping the effects of a creative storm and embracing the higher forms of a brilliant mindset, beyond our former definition which barricaded us from an unending premise therein. As we fortify the foundations of this wholesome structure, within the unique reach of God's promises, we become adaptive, perennially resilient to ongoing pressures, rising above the dynamics and struggles of the battle, to thrive beyond what can be defined. As an extension of our unified expression of divine power--"a shared eternal construct of internal beauty is developed on the gracious merits of God's provision of mercy, where we perceive the storm not as a sign of defeat, but as a testament to our strength of virtue, granting us passage into strengths beyond ourselves.

"Thriving optimism and working principle according to a Biblical definition, "Stands as the captivating assurance of every standard product of divine intervention, where we learn to discern the ease in breaking through any barriers, infused with the greatest affections we are determined to bear—effectively empowered to triumph over a multitude of what opposes it; resists it and overwhelms it by the internal struggle we can't identify often through the vulnerabilities of pain and impulsive mismanagement. The solution yet exists, even if we delay, at adverse cost of constraint, failing to walk in the voice of God determined perspective over our limitation in these storms."


Thriving Dynamic in Transformative Process in Prayer

In the context of a thriving dynamic, the purpose of transformative processes within prayer manifests as a deliberate endeavor to disrupt narratives that hold us captive. This purpose is intrinsically tied to the concept of thriving, wherein prayer serves as a catalyst for change, enabling us to transcend predefined boundaries. God's purpose in prayer is to bring forth what is most evident and influential within a specific context, a manifestation of His divine empowerment once we comprehend the essence of thriving. Through prayer, we actively receive and align with the pre-existing reality established by God's standard of expression. This engagement with prayer equips us with a resilient mindset imbued with hope, emphasizing that transformation doesn't validate what may seem insurmountable; instead, it affirms the potential that lies beyond our immediate understanding and challenges.

In the thriving narrative of a promise-based faith and New Covenant Fulfillment, we observe the transformative power embedded in prayer, aiming to shatter captive narratives by adhering to a purposeful objective. The purpose of prayer, from a divine standpoint, lies in unveiling and empowering the inherent potential once we grasp the essence of thriving. Every influence prayer has on us is a realization of God's established standard of expression. Equipped with this empowering mindset and confident hope, transformation affirms what surpasses our limitations, emphasizing what lies beyond our defeatist perspectives.

God's Perfect Design operates through His triumphant power, necessitated by the value of His promises. It represents a complete transformation in our lives, embodying a healed perspective and a mindset geared towards victory—an altered perception of eternal realities. Consequently, victory materializes and manifests its impact through productive outcomes, illustrating God's direct influence in empowering constructive purposes. This empowering construct is what we term the 'hand of thriving'—a stable and supportive influence. Thriving, as we understand, transcends human standards within human conditions. God directs our purpose beyond such conditions, influencing our actions and accomplishments for Him, surpassing our own perceived qualifications.

Trans formative prayer, as a sign of progress, profoundly impacts our reality by highlighting what God deems as qualification, not merely the act itself. It confronts false testimonies, dismantling what is broken and defeated before the domain of God. Conquering prayer becomes dynamic evidence of God's perfect design, demonstrating His ability to break constraints and definitions that try to limit, control, divide, or isolate us from genuine intervention. The situations that hold us back the most tend to define us the most, often stemming from our vulnerability. Herein lies the secret to our thriving success—freedom is born from the immense weight of what affects us profoundly, revealing vulnerabilities through which opposition may try to thwart God's voice.

In this journey, any opposition is a result of what we are most vulnerable to. This vulnerability forms the basis of our thriving success. We acknowledge that a healed concept integral to our development does not imply a denial of existing problems or an assumption that everything is flawless. This fixation on an idealized process is entirely bypassed. Instead, we thrive on the evidence of Christ's perfect design, exemplifying the mercy of God in this very dynamic. Our perceived progress, guided by God's desire in the midst of our crises and storms, stems from what He has made unlimited, unbroken, and unconstrained through the conditional provisions He has completed as a protective covering over us during our struggles.

"The focal point of new beginnings. The foundation of award-winning concepts that transition us. It signifies the essence of significance in our dynamics, becoming the pinnacle that crowns our achievements—a door of favorable creative endeavors, and a supportive hand propelling us toward a higher cause through every horizon."



Thriving optimism, delineated by biblical parameters, serves as a compelling affirmation of the expected outcomes resulting from divine intervention. This perception implies the understanding of how to effectively navigate hindrances and obstacles, driven by profound emotions and affections we are resolved to endure. In this context, thriving encompasses the skill to prevail over an array of adversities that confront and attempt to overpower us. This victory is achieved by acknowledging and surmounting internal struggles that are often concealed, arising from pain and impulsive mismanagement. Despite delays and associated costs of constraint, the solution endures, underlining the necessity to align with God's determined perspective, thereby transcending our limitations within the onset of overwhelming trials."

The trajectory of thriving in a promise-based faith and New Covenant Fulfillment exemplifies the zenith of our journey, marked by an intense drive and notable progress. However, the fundamental essence of this journey, often symbolized as 'Horizon,' encourages us to transcend the boundaries set by our audacious benchmarks, those we currently hold in highest esteem within a misguided faith. It beckons towards a heightened momentum, illustrating a narrative of thriving deeply rooted in creative vision and divine purpose. This narrative becomes an emblem of progress, firmly anchored with every step we take towards embracing the greatness that the promise-based faith and New Covenant Fulfillment which God has designed to unveil in the "impossible". Within the stated passage, the notion of thriving optimism and its associated working principles can be academically transposed and elaborated upon as follows:

|     "A Christianity favorably built on a revival of supernatural thriving in a higher mandate of preserving a standard of Christ's representation and merit under a promise-based faith is not secondary, but primary affects of complete faith; the birthing of spirited reconciliation. A foundation which draws us to God, empowers us before God, and enables us to reach into qualified merits beyond ourselves in every breakthrough. Indeed, contrasts the stagnating realm of human qualification built on tiresome, self-motivated ambition and concepts of ideology of human success which leads to a dead church and a contrary spirit. A church that brings this defeated delusion of spirit into discontented prayer. What follows is a disconnected life filled with emotional distraction and pain-filled service, ripe with the contention of broken testimony which argues within a limited grasp of the plan of God. A spiritual life falling short of thriving power! God resists this leadership presentation and will not qualify its voice because it lives according to human standard opposing the very nature and spirit of Christ by their efforts! Not on the foundation of what God has made whole, and what God calls right at the same juncture. A church can't thrive holding onto distortions of the voice of God while expecting to receive its affect it stands upon in the fullness of Christ dominion!"|

"Our spiritual warning with the reality of constant contradiction to our faith, which obstructs our spiritual progress, does not revolve around a mindset where God's occasional communication suffices. Instead, it occurs when the concept of thriving deviates and distorts from the realities that God qualifies within these revelations. It's crucial to recognize the impossibility of fully embracing the realities that Christ achieved when our own reality is ensnared by controlling forces. Our growth objectives remain elusive as long as we grapple with unhealed perspectives and the recurring cycles of manipulative projections that tend to define our faith. Certainly, without any ambiguity, we contend with, resist, and engage in intellectual battles against the contrasting mindset that opposes the narrative advocated by God's authoritative voice. Without a doubt, the struggles, opposition, and disputes we engage in with our conflicting mindsets are waged upon the narrative and merits of God's official voice. This voice offers us undeniable evidence of His virtuous nature, representing the core of His divine administration--"Which we call an open heaven of favor Christ has brought us under". These themes constitute the very essence of His effective actions, which He employs in every qualified intervention. Through this process, He dismantles the distortions that often pervade our human efforts when they deviate from aligning with His power and manifestations in our lives. The distortion often under the control of the enemy, in service to great suffering and struggle as they example corrupt ties and power contending with divine influence, and what we are most subject to in a limited perspective.

Biblical Definition: The concept of thriving optimism is aligned with a Biblical interpretation. It encompasses a profound conviction and expectation in accordance with Fulfillment and New Covenant Rest.

Standard Product of Divine Intervention: Thriving optimism represents the ultimate outcome of divine intervention, serving as a recognizable and standard result when God intervenes in human affairs. It signifies the manifestation of God's will and favor.

Ease in Breaking Barriers: Thriving optimism acknowledges the ease with which barriers, challenges, and limitations can be overcome. It underscores the idea that, under the influence of divine intervention, what may appear insurmountable becomes manageable.

Greatest Affections We Are Determined to Bear: This phrase suggests that thriving optimism is deeply intertwined with the most profound emotions and commitments individuals are willing to embrace and carry. It implies a willingness to endure and persevere in the pursuit of higher ideals.

Triumph Over a Multitude of Opposition: Thriving optimism empowers individuals to conquer and prevail over a wide array of obstacles and adversities. It signifies a mindset of resilience that can withstand and overcome a multitude of challenges.

Internal Struggle and Vulnerabilities: Acknowledging that the path to thriving optimism may involve internal struggles and vulnerabilities, this aspect highlights the human experience of pain, mismanagement, and moments of weakness.

Solution's Existence Despite Delay: Thriving optimism maintains that, even in cases of delay or constraint, the solution to challenges persists. It emphasizes the enduring nature of divine guidance and the need to align with God's perspective, even during difficult times or storms.

Overall, this passage emphasizes the transformative power of thriving optimism rooted in a Biblical context. It suggests that, through divine intervention, individuals can surmount obstacles, endure struggles, and ultimately triumph over a multitude of challenges, all while maintaining an unwavering commitment to their beliefs and values.




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