
"7 Insights And Keys Of Breakthrough In Our Understanding Of What Shapes And Defines Us."

           FIRST EDITION (WIP)

1. What has been the most significant learning curve for you in breaking through previously difficult concepts compared to easier ones?

2. Can you recall a time when a challenging experience or concept led to a breakthrough moment that had a profound impact on your life?

3. In times of chaos or uncertainty, what strategies or approaches have helped you maintain clarity and perspective?


4. How do you navigate the dynamics of difficult situations without necessarily seeking to change the circumstances but instead gain a clearer understanding of how to handle them?


5. Can you share an instance when you encountered a reality or discovered certain facts that had been present all along but only made an impact later on?

6. What strategies or practices have you developed over the years to cultivate a comprehensive mindset that embraces wholeness and minimizes distractions?

7. How do you perceive the role of faith or spirituality in overcoming challenges and finding hope and comfort in times of distress?

Here are some of our academic discovery points for this outline.


1. The most significant learning curve for me in breaking through previously difficult concepts compared to easier ones has been the shift from a legalistic mindset to embracing the grace and freedom of the New Covenant. It took time to unlearn old patterns of performance-based spirituality and fully grasp the truth that I am not saved by my own efforts, but by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ. This shift required a deep rewiring of my understanding and a constant reminder to rely on God's work in me rather than my own striving. (My victimology mindset builds on incomplete reforms keeping me from His fullness")



2. I vividly recall a challenging experience that led to a breakthrough moment with a profound impact on my life. It was a period of deep personal struggle and doubt, where I felt distant from God and unsure of my purpose. In that darkness, I sought God earnestly and surrendered my need for control. It was through this surrender that I experienced a profound encounter with God's love and grace. I realized that my worth and identity were not defined by my circumstances or achievements, but by God's unwavering love and acceptance of me. This breakthrough transformed my perspective and ignited a deep sense of purpose and peace in my life.



3. In times of chaos or uncertainty, maintaining clarity and perspective has been essential for me. Prayer and meditation have been powerful tools to quiet my mind and connect with God's presence. Seeking valuable guidance and support from trusted sources and like-minded colleagues is just a wise thing to do. A collective strength reflective of a person's consensus of what it really weighing on priority versus limiting the opportunity. I don't wait for things get ahead of me, or over me. I'm go-getting.  Grounding myself in God's interventions and identity and focusing on His promises has helped me find stability and hope amidst the storm. Ultimately, staying anchored in my relationship with God and trusting in His faithfulness has been the key to maintaining clarity and perspective during challenging times. "I'm not subject to something because the subject is left up to me to handle. I commit it to God ultimately.

There is no missed time to feel sorry for myself if my use of time finds nothing worth apologizing for. I have no room for self-pity when my time is spent without a need for remorse."



4. Navigating the dynamics of difficult situations without necessarily seeking to change the circumstances but instead gaining a clearer understanding of how to handle them requires a mindset shift. Rather than being consumed by the external factors, I endeavor to focus on my internal response and growth. This involves seeking God's wisdom and guidance through prayer and reflection, as well as learning from past experiences and seeking wise counsel. By focusing on personal growth, understanding my own limitations, and leaning on God's strength, I can navigate difficult situations with greater clarity and resilience.



5. There was an instance when I encountered a reality that had been present all along but only made an impact later on. It was the realization that God's love and grace were not contingent on my performance or achievements. For years, I had believed that I had to earn God's love and prove my worthiness through my actions. However, through studying the New Covenant and delving deeper into God's Word, I discovered the truth that God's love is unconditional and His grace is a gift freely given. This revelation shifted my perspective, allowing me to embrace my identity as a beloved child of God and live in the freedom of His grace.



6. Over the years, I have developed several strategies and practices to cultivate a comprehensive mindset that embraces wholeness and minimizes distractions. One key practice is daily briefing on God's fulfilling declarations of power over me, allowing His truth to shape my thoughts and perspectives. I also prioritize self-care, recognizing the importance of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being in maintaining a grassroots mindset. Setting clear priorities and boundaries helps me stay focused and minimize distractions. Regularly seeking solitude and quiet reflection enables me to connect with God and gain clarity.



7. Faith and spirituality play a vital role in overcoming challenges and finding hope and comfort in times of distress. In moments of difficulty, faith allows us to trust in God's sovereignty and goodness, even when circumstances may seem overwhelming. It provides a lens through which we can see beyond the immediate challenges and find hope in the promises of God.


"There is no missed time to feel sorry for myself--if my use of time-- finds nothing worth apologizing for. I have no room for self-pity when my time is spent without a need for remorse."

"Faith doesn't make us passive subjects. I am not at the mercy of circumstances, for it is within my power to take charge and entrust it to God."


As we mention keys of power, we are referring to--

"The significance of a healed voice of power, true supports, and lasting interventions in bridging a winning mindset and experiencing transformation and breakthroughs in one's faith journey.
We are beset with a constant reminder of what keeps us in a limited expression apart from them."

"It is not enough to study the topics of the Bible; we must apply them correctly, recognizing that our common sense alone often misses the profound depth and complete revelation contained within our studies."

"If we reduce the act of quoting scripture to a mere exercise of common sense, disregarding the profound spiritual depth and principles it holds, we risk distorting the true representation of Christ. Common sense alone should not be the sole master of our understanding, for the devil himself can manipulate common sense. It is essential to recognize that true knowledge of God goes beyond simplistic notions and requires a foundation rooted in the Word, which presents a fulfillment beyond what common sense can grasp..."

"This principle is  the highest form of discernment Jesus committed to us in His worst trial for 40 days. It was in the trial of selfless testing which gave us our ultimate cry in our battles! "Be worshipped in everything that comes out of me in my weakest moments! Thus He refers to the outflow of a perfect design under true direction of spiritual power!...This influence of the Word's unique power is an intervention of My Fulfillment!"


8. Faith and spirituality play a vital role in overcoming challenges and finding hope and comfort in times of distress. In moments of difficulty, faith allows us to trust in God's sovereignty and goodness, even when circumstances may seem overwhelming. It provides a lens through which we can see beyond the immediate challenges and find hope in the promises of God.



9. The most significant learning curve for me in breaking through previously difficult concepts compared to easier ones has been the willingness to challenge my preconceived notions and open myself up to new perspectives. It is often easier to hold onto familiar beliefs and resist change, but I have found that true growth and understanding come when I am willing to question and explore ideas that may initially seem challenging or uncomfortable. This requires humility and a willingness to let go of my own limited understanding in order to embrace a deeper truth.



10. I vividly recall a time when I was grappling with the concept of forgiveness. It was a challenging experience because I had been hurt deeply, and the idea of forgiving the person who had caused me pain seemed impossible. However, through prayer, reflection, and seeking wise counsel, I had a breakthrough moment where I realized that forgiveness was not condoning or excusing the hurtful actions, but rather freeing myself from the burden of carrying resentment. This breakthrough had a profound impact on my life as it allowed me to experience true healing and restored relationships.



11. In times of chaos or uncertainty, maintaining clarity and perspective can be a real challenge. One strategy that has helped me is the practice of grounding myself in the present moment through mindfulness. By focusing on real goals and objectives, observing my thoughts and emotions without judgment of the moment, and reminding myself of what is within practical reach, I can maintain a sense of clarity and perspective. Additionally, seeking support from loved ones, engaging in prayer or meditation, and immersing myself in positive and uplifting activities have also proven helpful in maintaining mental and emotional structure.



12. Navigating the dynamics of difficult situations without necessarily seeking to change the circumstances requires a shift in mindset. Instead of focusing solely on external factors, I focus on gaining a clearer understanding of how I can navigate and respond to these situations in a way that aligns with my values and principles. This involves developing emotional intelligence, practicing active listening and empathy, seeking wisdom from trusted mentors or spiritual leaders, and being open to self-reflection and personal growth. By shifting the focus from changing external circumstances to developing inner strength and resilience, I can navigate difficult situations with greater clarity and understanding.



13. There was a particular instance when I discovered that the power to overcome my fears and limitations had been present within me all along. For years, I had struggled with self-doubt and a fear of failure, which held me back from pursuing my dreams and reaching my full potential. However, through a series of challenging experiences and moments of self-reflection, I realized that the power to break free from these limitations was not dependent on external factors or circumstances, but on my own beliefs and mindset. This revelation had a profound impact on my life as it empowered me to take ownership of my thoughts and choices and embrace a mindset of growth and possibility.



14. Over the years, I have developed several strategies and practices to cultivate a comprehensive mindset that embraces wholeness and minimizes distractions. One key strategy is intentional self-care, which includes prioritizing physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through practices such as regular exercise, mindfulness, prayer or meditation, and engaging in activities that bring me joy and fulfillment. Additionally, I have found value in setting clear goals and priorities, practicing time management and boundary-setting, surrounding myself with positive influences and a supportive community, and continuously seeking knowledge and personal development. These practices help me stay focused on what truly matters and maintain a balanced perspective amid life's distractions. 

15. Faith and spirituality play a vital role in overcoming challenges and finding hope and comfort in times of distress. They provide a foundation of trust in a loving and faithful God who is greater than any problem or circumstance we may face. Faith enables us to see beyond the immediate difficulties and place our hope in the promises of God. It strengthens us to persevere, even when circumstances seem bleak, and empowers us to find comfort and peace in knowing that we are not alone. Through faith, we can uncover a method and context of fulfillment to encounter real breakthroughs into the supernatural resources and guidance of God's Spirit, allowing us to navigate challenges with resilience, courage, and a steadfast hope in the new Covenant promise.


"WINNING COURSE; WINNING DYNAMIC: Healed and restored mindset."

*RESULT:      "Effective communication, emphatic nature, cohesion, expert diction, and an authoritative tone."

                                 Victory, proactive engagement.

"A healed perspective remains neutral, non-projective, and unyielding to failing standards. It stands impervious to gaslighting, entrapping algorithms, and attempts to degrade or demoralize. It rejects base claims and false statements that attack worth, value, and governing principles. As believers, we recognize these challenges as red flags."

As leaders--God gives us gifts, function and ability on the proven foundation of what is beyond us in the redemptive covering of mercy. Therefore, the secret is--by merit of what we receive from God-- we can proficiently, and craftily anticipate that which will invert it, act against it, with no less the gained knowledge we have in the keys of Christ's power, to recognize the key areas our worst enemy-- and our worst defeat are sure to affect against us!"

Yet, knowing what many major signals suggest a looming defeat on the horizon, "we can be pushed into a corner, with a label of reproach hanging over our faith response (source of contention, FACE OF THE BATTLE, NATURE OF THE BATTLE, CAPTIVE POWER OF THE BATTLE)" or we start gaining unwavering resilience to see them as 'tools of incompleteness' which come in the form of assaults in our unhealed perspective toward God's realities--ones, we are tempted to embrace, in order to bring us under their unproductive, projections of our internal struggle by external intimidation to control who we are--through false definitions."

If we don't identify with these distortions, distractions which fall upon us at the worst times--to create an inconclusive basis for our faith to thrive--we allow a divergent basis in which our faith has no voice, as it has no traction in a solid definition God will empower!

"There are no interventions of lasting effect, which aren't nurturing a healed voice of power that holds on to true supports toward our worst defining moments."

There is never an ideal-- profitable, or accommodating time-- to grow, its always time to live in God's declaration, to thrive on principle in which God governs our productive steps into the realms of eternal power and victory over the storms. He is the champion of inspired hope through what assails us, and what will plague our dynamics until we recognize the enemies red flags are his unveiled strategy bringing himself under the trap of God's sovereignty, in which we recognize the realities breaking those traps over us as a victim of them!

Which is to be under a predictive captive assignment in which dominates us in our future responses. Its almost as clear as day, if I continue thinking in false reasoning, I will be more captive to assignments which God is not speaking; inspiring or using to bring me under a thriving dynamic. As the enemy uses them as re-circulated 'attacks of reason', which only frame us with information that we have crushed in our position in Christ (The keys of power in a consistent and complete faith).                  |

What are some of the key responses from (the 7 Points) survey briefing yesterday, and how should they shape and define our perspective in response. These are variations of nuances that should be lining up with a healed perspective you should be encountering in prayer, and thriving spiritual growth in New Covenant:

"In a long, exhausting demoralizing defeat where shame defines every fiber of our being, and our voices' expression--It's as if a veil was lifted, and suddenly, everything fell into place in New Covenant. I'm seeing Christ in a whole new way. Assuredly, I should expect an empowerment to follow!"


"Gain a clearer vision of the truth and break free from the constraints of our preconceived notions."

"By focusing on personal growth, developing a Christ-like mindset, and seeking to honor God in my responses, I find that I am better equipped to navigate the dynamics of difficult situations with grace, wisdom, and integrity."

"Although I had heard about God's love and believed it intellectually, it was only when I experienced His love tangibly and personally that it truly made an impact in my life."

"Engaging in self-reflection and journaling helps me to process my thoughts and emotions, gain clarity, and discern areas of growth and improvement. We don't get trapped in self-reflection; it's a pivot to re-direct us into the transformative understanding to take those thoughts captive which defined us into New Covenant empowered directives Christ represents over them."

"Faith enables us to see beyond the immediate difficulties and place our hope in the promises of God."

"Discern the wisdom and discernment needed to navigate through challenges without being overwhelmed."

"Encounters with His love reshapes our perspective, deepens our faith, and enables us to live out of a place of love and compassion towards others."

"Genuine Spiritual life equips us to respond in a manner that reflects the character of Christ and brings about positive change in challenging circumstances."

"With unwavering faith in God's instructions and guidance, we can confidently navigate through the storms, knowing that He is with us every step of the way."

"This perspective of faith empowers us to persevere and overcome, even in the face of adversity."

"Winning discernment is born from a victorious mindset, enabling us to transcend surface-level circumstances and grasp the deeper truths at play. It doesn't mean we are oblivious to the perils or issues at hand; rather, we choose not to be enslaved by them or their deceptive influence. The enemy's designs, manifested in our moments of doubt and self-defeating thoughts, can be countered through our faith. By discerning the divine objective, we recognize that God operates on His own terms, unfettered by any plans or devices. Instead, we rely directly on the keys of Christ to unlock His promised dynamics, empowering us to rise above and navigate life with unwavering conviction."

"Through this process, we learn to take captive the thoughts that defined us and replace them with the empowered directives that Christ represents."

"Definitively, this winning dynamic of a thriving spiritual life breaks through the chains of defeat, replacing shame with a restored perspective that aligns with God's truth and empowers us to walk in victory."

                         |      A Key Of Warning     |

New Covenant fulfillment which represents a 'promise to the faithful and yet no differently upon the weak and struggling', is also a warning to those who distort it for other advances it isn't prescribing.

|      "Anyone seeking to walk in these principles of biblical inspiration, unless it is a transformed value system of honor toward Christ--be cautioned. It will be values God will allow to work against you where it is not an act of faith. Where only a corrupt desire to know all things, mindset to control others (to act degrading or insufferable of privilege) or with a lack accountability which procures manipulative effect in how we use them--works against ethical inspiration in which God reserved them for genuine thriving testimony, and in the fear of God!" A victorious mindset of empowerment is proceeded by an accurate, steady, and official course they are designed to prevail over our human instability trying to walk in divine values without such an empowerment.       | These keys are representative of our response to what God speaks of Himself, they become proofs we see demonstrated in light of ourselves.


                         New covenant promise

"In a faith anchored in Christ's sufficiency and empowered by the keys of divine power, we discover a transformative reliance on the unwavering voice of God. It teaches us to navigate the cycles of shame, pain, and blame with a perspective that draws us closer to God, rather than driving us away. Often, our broken perceptions control our reactions, leading us to assume roles, positions, and mindsets that we believe will lead us in the right direction or bring fulfillment. However, such a mindset falls short as it misses the true purpose of the trials we face. Instead of focusing on the pain itself, a healed mindset acknowledges what God can do, His ability to handle our weaknesses, and His more than sufficient provisions for our battles. It is through experiences that we are shown the futility of striving to define ourselves solely on our own terms. When we align ourselves with God's definition of our struggles, we open ourselves to His intervention, affirming His worth and allowing His principles to guide us. In trusting His ability to bring forth the evidence and proofs He speaks of Himself, we receive the virtue that transcends human reasoning, propelling us beyond ourselves and into the realm of His divine purpose."

We want to create an expanded and academically proficient expression of the discourse. Our surveys are the open door of opportunity which It seeks to convey the power and significance of embracing a healed and restored mindset, emphasizing the victory and proactive engagement that comes from relying on Christ's sufficiency and the unchanging voice of God. It addresses the challenges of gaslighting, opposition, and false statements, highlighting the importance of maintaining a neutral and non-conformist perspective. The response also emphasizes the impact of personal growth, self-reflection, and reliance on faith in navigating difficult situations and finding hope in the promises of God. Additionally, it underscores the need to anchor our approach in the unshakable foundation of the New Covenant promise, rejecting faulty mindsets and embracing the transformative understanding that comes from trusting in God's sufficiency.

  • "Filling in the gaps, bridging places of emptiness and void, Incorporating and standardizing a thriving dynamic of fulfillment perspective as a lifetime goal."
  • "Through personal encounters and real-world experiences, we come to understand their value and relevance. As we witness their effectiveness in bringing about positive outcomes and transforming our lives, we organically align ourselves with them. Living under their grasp becomes a principle we arrive at naturally, guided by the wisdom and power they encompass."
  • "These genuine and empowering principles govern a winning course in our lives, and as we witness their merits and usefulness in practical applications, we naturally adhere to them."


We want to amplify in overdrive, The winning dynamic of a thriving spiritual life in light of the 7 points raised in the survey. Thriving dynamic means, "the transformative power of a restored perspective, the importance of examining biases and assumptions, the significance of personal growth and Christ-like mindset, the impact of experiencing God's love, the role of self-reflection and journaling in discerning growth areas, the perspective of faith in facing difficulties, and the wisdom and discernment needed to navigate challenges." All of these values contribute to a thriving spiritual life anchored in the New Covenant and enable believers to overcome obstacles and live victoriously.


"Asking challenging questions is essential for living confidently, especially on matters we may not initially realize are interconnected but integral to our everyday lives. I enjoy sprinkling these little gems because it's often the smallest triumphs that contribute to the bigger picture—perspectives and responses that emerge from unexpected breakthroughs. Sometimes, the impact of these questions only hits us when we encounter the reality of certain facts that have been there all along.

If I were to ask, 'What has been the most significant learning curve that helped you break through previously difficult concepts, compared to the easy ones that tend to slip our minds when life gets chaotic?' Doesn't it seem that the harder ones grow more useful, while the easy facts are just bursts?"

The ones most challenging are carrying me further into areas.

I thrive on healthy progression and navigate the dynamics, not necessarily to change the matter at hand, but to gain a clearer perspective on how to handle it. These strategies have taken years to develop and serve as reference points for dissecting narratives. Combined with the richness of experience, they contribute to a comprehensive mindset that embraces wholeness, free from distractions and captive moments. Its these captive ties of our own strength, and effort tying us to the weights which define us in our isolation, and wrong perspectives which drive us away from God.

The goal of those surveys was to break that captive identity, and expose basic concepts which have been a source of pain, limitation which acts as our will to survive oncoming collapse, or to volley our position before things get worse. On defeated terms of our own sheltering in contrary reasoning--it will hardly matter. For our mindset needs healing while the battles of the day still represent doors of opportunity in God's eyes.

"The groundbreaking ideas grab us definitively when we are most overwhelmed, and under distress--"Where God doesn't seem to care, or hear us, or feel our pain. Yet He is there--present with comfort and hope with consistent gentle whispers over our own broken cries reacting to the storms--that says "we have nothing left to give..."I'm contenting with something beyond myself, and my human weakness...So when we overlay this reasoning onto our expectation of the light at the end of the tunnel, we find nothing worth expecting, or capable of in our best efforts to win the trial of reason in our battles." God isn't after what we can do, who we can be, and what limits we face--its what God represents in all of these things, through our lives, and to those around us. God is fulfilling His perfect design in areas we are least deserving of their supports."

I frame those surveys carefully to compliment many places we think are helping us in our own wisdom but only serving to keep us down, and apart from the interventions God represents for us in our time of trial."

These are the concepts being forged into the reactions in ourselves which seem resistant to change and impossible to define on better terms.

Well, the surveys highlight those voices of doubt, insecurity and things that affects us so commonly, and profoundly, yet God is not limited by them, and holds not an ounce of shame against us if we observe His mercy in the struggle. We are pointed by divine intervention which releases us from false identities we carry by our former experiences. God offers redemption from a this cycle of life without a promise of provision--causing us to rise in a fulfilling journey of wholeness where God declares His hand of support where it is best served to make us right, true, and well in His sight!"

*RESULT:      "Effective communication, emphatic nature, cohesion, expert diction, and an authoritative tone."
These are expounded skills which identify many of the points I've conveyed are an essential dynamic in a winning course. I intentionally practice and promote them here at CDCS RESEARCH!"

  • Persuasive communication: The ability to convey ideas and messages in a compelling and convincing manner.
  • Strategic articulation: Crafting and delivering messages with a clear purpose and intention to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Consistent messaging:
    Maintaining coherence and uniformity in communication to reinforce key points and create a cohesive narrative.
  • Engaging delivery: Captivating and holding the attention of the audience through dynamic presentation skills and techniques.
  • Credible authority: Establishing expertise, credibility, and trustworthiness in the subject matter to gain the confidence of listeners.
  • Impactful language: Utilizing precise and impactful vocabulary to convey ideas effectively and evoke desired responses.
  • Adaptive communication: Adjusting communication style and approach based on the audience's needs, preferences, and context.
  • Active listening: Demonstrating attentiveness and receptiveness to others' perspectives, fostering understanding and collaboration.
  • Compelling storytelling: Crafting narratives that engage emotions, connect with the audience, and convey messages in a memorable way.
  • Authenticity and transparency: Communicating with sincerity, honesty, and openness, building trust and fostering genuine connections.



  • Striving to define ourselves without His intervention is futile.
  • Challenges and opposition can push believers into difficult situations, where reproach and contention may arise over their faith response.

  • A healed perspective allows believers to remain unaffected by reproach or criticism, standing firm in their convictions.

  • Understanding the nature of the spiritual battle and the captive power it holds is crucial in navigating difficult situations.

  • Promise-based faith, new covenant fulfillment, and the consistent voice of God are empowering principles that govern a winning course.

  • These principles are not something we strive to attain but are discovered and embraced through real-world applications and encounters.

  • Adhering to these principles brings about positive outcomes and transforms lives.

  • Living under the grasp of these principles becomes a natural and guiding force in our lives, leading to a winning mindset and course.

"The integration of 'truths' and 'principles' into a winning mindset is essential when exploring the concepts and themes presented in our surveys. These themes, classified as 'doctrinal themes,' go beyond mere operational assignments; they encompass the very topics, themes, and approaches of the New Covenant that require our thoughtful consideration. Engaging with these scholarly dictates does not impose a rigid rule of study; rather, it liberates us from restrictive norms and invites us into a dynamic of thriving. Conversely, failing to approach them with a healthy mindset leads to unproductivity and regression, limiting our ability to grasp the profound truths they embody.

The New Covenant's principle, epitomized by Christ's atonement and accomplishment, serves as a guiding mindset that embraces the transformative truths of the New Covenant while rejecting unproductive standards that hinder the fulfillment of God's promises. It is not merely a matter of studying the topics of the Bible but also understanding that our common sense alone may miss the deeper purpose and complete revelation contained within our study. By embracing a holistic perspective, we unlock the intrinsic value that defies human limitations and exemplifies a truth beyond conventional rules or standards."


I. Understanding the Dynamics of Faith in a New Covenant Context

A. Embracing the principles of Biblical New Covenant and its impact on spiritual life
B. Cultivating a healthy mindset rooted in foundational biblical themes

II. The Power and Guidance of the Holy Spirit

A. Recognizing the unchanging voice of God and the leading of the Spirit
B. Embracing the empowerment, validation, and witness of the Spirit

III. The Thriving Church Model and Promise-Based Faith

A. Understanding God's perfect design for the church and the fulfillment of the New Covenant
B. Embracing our identity in Christ and the completeness, sufficiency, and eternal power found in Him

IV. The Role of Prayer and Receiving from God

A. Exploring the methodology of prayer within the New Covenant framework

B. Building faith in Christ's completeness and remaining confident in God's love

V. Overcoming Fear, Delusion, and Self-defeat

A. Breaking cycles of fear, delusion, and self-defeat through transformative responses
B. Embracing Christ's redemption and rejecting shame in our faith journey

VI. Experiencing Lasting Change and Breakthroughs

A. Prioritizing the essential themes and principles to invite a genuine move of
B. Receiving God's provision and support, leading to lasting change and interventions 

Outline: What you need to identify in a living reality of defined values in places of intervention when you have a winning mindset, and winning course:

I. The significance of lasting interventions

A. The importance of nurturing a healed voice of power
Delving into the dynamics of the New Covenant and its principles allows us to nurture a healed voice of power. We recognize that embracing these truths and principles is crucial for experiencing lasting interventions and breakthroughs.
B. The role of true supports in defining moments
As we delve into the dynamics, we understand the vital role of true supports in defining moments. These supports, rooted in the New Covenant, provide guidance, strength, and stability as we navigate challenges and seek transformation.

II. The correlation between lasting interventions and a healed voice of power

A. Lasting interventions require a healed perspective
 Exploring the dynamics helps us build on a healed perspective. We understand that embracing the truths and principles of the New Covenant is essential for experiencing lasting interventions and breakthroughs in our lives.
B. A healed voice of power sustains the effectiveness of interventions
Through delving into the dynamics, we recognize that a healed voice of power, rooted in the New Covenant, sustains the effectiveness of interventions. It empowers us to overcome obstacles, embrace transformation, and walk in victory.

III. The impact of a healed voice of power on defining moments

A. How a healed voice of power provides support during challenging times
 Engaging with the dynamics reveals how a healed voice of power supports us during challenging times. It offers clarity, strength, and a sense of direction as we navigate difficulties and seek breakthroughs.

B. The role of true supports in nurturing and strengthening the healed voice
 Throughout the exploration of the dynamics, we understand the significance of recognizing and embracing true supports in defining moments. By acknowledging and aligning with the truths and principles of the New Covenant, obedience to a consistent voice of God positions us from a place of power we experience over ourselves for growth, breakthroughs, and a thriving mindset.

IV. The connection between true supports and lasting interventions
Within the dynamics, we understand the importance of true supports in nurturing and strengthening the healed voice. These supports, grounded in the New Covenant, provide the necessary foundation and guidance for a thriving and victorious mindset.

A. True supports contribute to the longevity and effectiveness of interventions

As we delve into the dynamics, we recognize that true supports play a vital role in the longevity and effectiveness of interventions. These supports, established by the New Covenant, provide stability, encouragement, and empowerment for lasting transformation.

B. The importance of recognizing and embracing true supports in defining moments
Throughout the exploration of the dynamics, we understand the significance of recognizing and embracing true supports in defining moments. By acknowledging and aligning with the truths and principles of the New Covenant, we position ourselves for growth, breakthroughs, and a thriving mindset.

Conflict: When faced with challenging circumstances and reproach that threatens our faith response, we can feel cornered and labeled. The source of contention, the face, nature, and captive power of the battle all contribute to this conflict.

Solution: However, if we refuse to identify with these distortions and distractions that undermine our faith's ability to thrive, we open ourselves to a different foundation—one where our faith is empowered and finds a solid definition.

Dynamic of a winning mindset: The integration of these truths and principles into a winning mindset is essential. While our surveys may classify them as doctrinal themes or operational assignments, they remain the core topics, themes, and approaches of the New Covenant. It is crucial to handle them congruently within a healthy mindset.

Rather than enforcing a rule of study, we remove the constraints and allow ourselves to thrive. We reject failing, unproductive, and regressive standards of truth. The New Covenant's innate value becomes the defining factor, reflecting a reality that surpasses human limitations and standards. Embracing the principles of the New Covenant, particularly Christ's atonement and accomplishment, establishes a healthy mindset that upholds the truths and rejects unproductive standards that oppose the fulfillment of God's promises.

While it may seem common sense not to merely study the topics of the Bible, we must also recognize that applying them incorrectly overlooks the complete revelation within our study. It is through a comprehensive understanding and correct application that we truly grasp the transformative power of the New Covenant and experience a thriving, victorious mindset.

Here are the definitions, teaching structure and principles at work when we are living in New Covenant Fulfillment as a testimony of genuine power when we choose to live in a promise: Our limited surveys are pointing to these extended topics.

Navigating The Dynamics of Faith: Understanding and Applying Biblical New Covenant | Mismanagement

Of Spiritual Life.

Healthy Mindset and Application of Essential Themes: Biblical Structure

Foundation | Function | Freedom

New Covenant Methodology In Prayer

The Essential Themes Of New Covenant Fulfillment,

Framework For A Thriving Church Model.

The Unchanging Voice Of God

The Leading Of The Spirit

The Empowerment Of The Spirit

The Validation Of The Spirit.

The Witness Of The Spirit

A Thriving Church Model On A Promise-Based Faith

God's Perfect Design

The New Covenant Fulfillment

Identity in Christ

The Completeness of Christ

The Sufficiency of Christ

The Eternal Power of Christ

The Fullness of God's Presence In Christ

|  The Keys Of Power In Christ Redemption Over Our Faith | Failures | Unbelief

Context | Manner Of Approach | How We Interact With His Presence in New Covenant

Christ's Worthiness | Standing | Qualification | Administration | Position | Promise

Receiving and Praying In The Power Of The Holy Spirit

Building up our faith in Christ’s Completeness

Remaining Confident In The Love Of God.

| Cycles of Fear | Delusion | Self-defeat | Shame | Responses And Reactions By prioritizing these themes, We can experience a | Genuine Move Of God | Lasting Change | Transformation | Breakthroughs And Interventions | Birthed From | God's Provisional Involvement | Hand of Support | Where His Promises Are Received | 

Here is a formal Letter to a very dear, and important leader which I find brilliant, and focused. I've written a 'battle cry' to stand at the ready, and is the source of my content's inspiration to allay these concepts of a winning mindset.

 |         "Pray for comfort, peace and unwavering solace in God's hands of support!. There is still healing through this process so you are not a victim of fear or its control.

He Preserve you and keep you from distress, anxiety or fear of the unknown, and unmistakable realities nonetheless."          |

Reacting to pressures, distortions, and the battles of the mind is merely a symptom of the opportunities God can present to reveal His faithful hand and guide you towards a winning course amidst the tensions that arise. It is often in those moments when you feel most constrained, limited, and lacking internal resources to withstand the trauma and turbulent realities. It's true that we don't have all the answers or strategies within ourselves.

I would like to encourage you to thrive in this time, to stand boldly in the face of seemingly impossible odds, and to not be intimidated by the wicked. Their intention to subject you to impending hostility and negative responses is designed to keep you in a state of limited proactive capability, preventing you from stepping into realms that are productive, resolute, and secure in your stance. You undoubtedly represent the collective interests of those who rely on your leadership. It is important to acknowledge the reality and risks at hand, but my perspective on leadership is to consistently put your best foot forward and act based on principles, without succumbing to dilution or manipulation caused by the fog of war."


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  • #1

    Pranpriya Manoban (Saturday, 23 September 2023 22:38)

    I know that I'm not supposed to be commenting, but, I really enjoy what you have written.