

"Living in the New Covenant: Embracing God's Perfect Design for Our Lives"

Themes you will read and in the context of why we need New covenant empowerment in our complete faith in Him more than ever.

  • The inevitability of a failing battle
  • The bleakness of our present circumstances
  • The limitations of our fallen nature
  • The empty promises of worldly power and influence
  • Contrary prevailing views
  • "This is a season that is defined by an unwavering commitment to God's perfect design, one that calls for sincere reflection and a deep reverence for His wisdom"
  •  Chaos and turmoil that defines our world
  • Challenges that threaten to derail our progress

    Many fail to recognize that the core of God's plan is the complete expression of divine power through Christ within the hearts of individuals. By focusing too heavily on human-made plans and strategies, individuals risk losing sight of the transformative work that God intends to do in their lives." We are reproaching the Work God wants to do to invoke such a plan into our human weakness without an expression of power!"



Satisfactory (WIP)

Prayer Insights for March 18th over the past week.

Dear valued members and readers,

|                Up to This point, you would have read, understood, heard our prayers, learned concepts of New Covenant. Then...failed, made mistakes, desired perfectly but applied them imperfectly in trying to support our evidences, yet, this is by design, not a cause for fear. Its only our response that something isn't working in our own ability are we opening up to places of doubt on areas He is telling us He has fulfilled. We are pleased to introduce our latest research on the topic today: of a Thriving Church Model Of A Promise Based Faith, New Covenant Fulfillment, The Unchanging Voice Of God, and His Perfect Design Through His Identity, Worthiness, Qualification Of His Standing And Position- are all proprietary subjects over the entire New Testament. We promote as the only way to live for God in this present time with unwavering patient, pressing faith. It's not about your own sacrifices, will or determination to succeed that makes God's Word real in your life- its an expression we adopt from God's open arms of support to help us stand on something apart from what we control or possess in ourselves. These are the most essential, congruent, structures of New Covenant administration under Christ's headship, and are the biblical facets of anointed power when unified with the spiritual virtues of Christ-likeness indwelling the completeness of our faith. We are called to Seek God, apply these values, and walk in their coverings as God conforms us to His promise of power as His plan is extended into our lives through the fulness of His Presence. And its through a restorative, redemptive work of reconciling us to God we partake of these examples apart from works, striving and performance. Our productivity, and effectiveness in what we do, is defined by what we give to God that will limit His fulness of what Christ has done in our lives to live in a more defined reality of His faithful work in our heart in everything we do.  Its our mismanagement of good things getting us into trouble, done in a broken dependency, not just ignoring they are good when we self-defeat ourselves in God's sufficiency in how He ministers these good things to us in His merits!  In our human brokenness and misplaced reliance, we often find ourselves in distressful situations. This is often the result of our mismanagement of good things, failing to recognize their true value and source of provision. However, it is not a matter of simply ignoring or rejecting these good things, but rather of embracing them in the proper context of our complete dependency on God. We must learn to trust in His perfect sufficiency and the way in which He ministers these good things to us through His merits, rather than relying on our own flawed understanding and limited capacity.                |

Today, our hearts and minds have been focused on prayer, particularly for those who are facing the most difficult of circumstances. We firmly believe that in moments like these, we must hold steadfast to the promises that are illuminated within our bibles, for they form the foundation of our spiritual vision. These promises are closely tied to the fulfillment of the New Covenant, which serves as the blueprint for a thriving church model.

However, we must not allow our broken definitions or limited perceptions to dictate our response. Instead, we must trust in God's power to release and transform us in the deepest and most conflicted parts of our hearts. This is the true battle that God sees as the most important - the one that will establish us in the midst of our enemies, who seek to discredit our voice and our mission.

While some of us may be feeling this struggle more acutely than others, the reward for persevering through it is the integration of our broken cries with God's perfect plan, bringing about His intended purpose, not our enemies' intent.

At the core of our research is the promise that God has made to keep us from falling. This word is for our entire membership and group. We cannot allow any dark or evil schemes to keep us from experiencing God's defining moment, when we receive His promise of complete power and rest in the midst of our battle. Remember, God is with you always, and His power is at work within you, transforming you into the image of His Son.

Our research emphasizes the importance of trusting in God's promises and power, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. It highlights the transformative work that God is doing in the lives of believers through Christ. We believe that the New Covenant serves as the blueprint for a thriving church model, and that it is our duty to seek Christ and His power in the pursuit of a thriving faith based on promises. As such, we must root ourselves in the biblical premise of the New Covenant, rather than relying on incomplete reforms of our own design.

In conclusion, we urge you to hold onto the promises of God, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. Trust in His power and provision, rather than on your own temporal plans or the darkness of the times. Our research underscores the importance of seeking Christ and His power in the pursuit of a thriving faith based on promises. May God continue to transform us into the image of His Son, and may His perfect plan be accomplished in our lives.

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. 
For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren."

Rom 8:29-29

Lets look at the promise of the verse, rather than the verse itself. We look at it from a thriving structure model of a promise based faith, through a consistent unchanging voice of God, New Covenant fulfillment and Gods perfect design as we discussed before.

God does not operate within the confines of our broken expressions, our mere "forms of godliness" that we use to define ourselves, and ultimately fail.

                            |                        We must recognize that the limitations of our broken and flawed human expressions cannot contain or fully encompass the omnipotent and omniscient nature of God. Our mere "forms of godliness," which we use to define ourselves, are insufficient and ultimately inadequate in capturing the fullness of God's divine plan.

God operates beyond these flawed and incomplete human constructs. He does not work through partial or insufficient means, but rather exercises His complete power and authority to bring about true transformation and fulfillment in our lives. It is only through His boundless mercy and grace that our prayers remain effective and our relationship with Him remains steadfast.

These are the things that exist separate from God. He does not work through incomplete reforms of our own design, but instead employs His complete power to bring true transformation through His ability and fulfillment. It is by His boundless mercy that our prayers remain effective.                            |

  • If individuals are not seeking Christ through the gift of His ability and empowerment, then they are not truly seeking God. The work of Christ involves working through the gifts of repentance, restoration of power, and redemption, to establish a solid foundation rooted in Christ's fulfillment. This foundation allows for a thriving faith, based on promises, which produces freedom, grace, and fulfillment in the pursuit of Christ-likeness. It's important to note that this pursuit is only defined by the biblical premise of the New Covenant, and cannot express itself in any other form.

Even though humanity seems to be losing the battle and heading towards failure, those who stand with God are not on the losing side. Amidst the chaos, conflict, and brokenness, there is a perfect design at work. This goes against popular belief, but it is the truth. Even when things are at their worst, God has a perfect design to guide us through Christ's perfect image and the complete work that He has promised us. It is important that we do not react in fear during these times, but instead trust that God is keeping everything unified under His hand of support and provision in His plan.

|                  To genuinely seek God, one must actively pursue Christ through the endowment of His divine ability and empowerment. This is not a mere suggestion but an imperative for those who desire to partake in the transformative work of God in their lives. Anything short of this pursuit is a form of incomplete seeking that falls short of the biblical standard of a genuine faith.

The centrality of Christ in the New Covenant framework cannot be overstated, and it is through Him that we gain access to the Father and His abundant provisions. Hence, anyone who disregards the significance of Christ's empowerment in their pursuit of God is effectively shutting the door to the abundant life that God has promised His children.

To seek Christ through the gift of His ability and empowerment is to acknowledge and embrace the truth that our human effort alone is insufficient for true spiritual transformation. It requires a surrender of our wills to the will of God and an unwavering faith in His perfect plan for our lives. Through the redemptive work of Christ, we are not only justified but also empowered to live out the divine purpose for which we were created.

The pursuit of Christ through His ability and empowerment is the hallmark of a thriving faith that produces freedom, grace, and fulfillment in our lives. It is not a form of incomplete reform that falls short of the divine standard, but a transformative journey that leads to the image of Christ in us. This is the essence of the New Covenant and the blueprint for a thriving church model that is rooted in God's promises and empowerments.             |


  • Many people make the costly mistake of placing too much emphasis on "working according to a plan," while neglecting the most central aspect of God's eternal plan: the complete expression of divine power through Christ within the hearts of individuals. This expression leads to a healed way of relating to the foundation of gospel power and freedom, allowing believers to express true change and impact through a genuine fear of God. This fear is not limited by the darkness of the times or isolated by the evils inflicted on the body of Christ as a self-defeated organism. Rather, it is built up through enduring intervention from the hand of God during the church's most desperate hour. Man's plan may be temporal, but Christ's plan is eternal, and it is through His power that we can fulfill it.

 |                              The perilous mistake that many people make is putting excessive emphasis on the act of "working according to a plan," without giving due regard to the central pillar of God's eternal plan. Such a mindset can lead one astray from the true essence of God's design, which ultimately centers around a deep and meaningful relationship with Him. While having a plan in place can be helpful, it is crucial not to lose sight of the fact that God's plan is not just a roadmap to follow, but rather a framework that invites us into a dynamic and transformative relationship with Him. This relationship is founded on faith, trust, and obedience, and is continually shaped by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, as we navigate the complexities of life, let us not forget that the most important aspect of God's eternal plan is our intimate relationship with Him, which can never be replaced by mere adherence to a set of guidelines or strategies.             |

  • In accordance with His divine plan and purpose, we have been given the incredible responsibility of representing God's most esteemed and effective expression of power. In times of desperate need, we are called upon to be witnesses of His perfect design, even when it seems as though it is being discredited. This gift of complete work enables us to dwell in God's fullness without any sense of shame or fear. It is the ultimate expression of gospel power, made manifest in the New Covenant fulfillment.

 |                 In accordance with His divine plan and purpose, we have been given the incredible responsibility of representing God's most esteemed and effective expression of power. This is not merely a call to action or a set of rules to follow, but a deep and profound understanding of our role in the unfolding of God's plan for humanity. As a thriving church model, we must recognize that our purpose is not to simply go through the motions of religious practice, but to fully embrace the power and authority that God has bestowed upon us as His representatives. We are called to live out this power in all aspects of our lives, to demonstrate the love and grace of God in everything we do. It is through our faithful adherence to this calling that we fulfill the new covenant, and bring about the transformation of the world around us. Let us not be distracted by the false promises of worldly success or the lure of personal ambition, but remain focused on our true purpose as genuine, failed and broken people of built on God's power and love.                       |

  • However, let us not be mistaken - God's plan is not some empty, automated process that simply functions with adhering subjects on autopilot. Instead, it works organically and specifically through the hearts of those who are animated and sincerely inspired by the Spirit of God to receive it. Our transformation and interventions are founded upon this principle: to walk in the Spirit-empowered context of Biblical fulfillment. In this way, we are able to intimately know the unchanging voice of God, as well as to thrive within the structure of His promises and live according to Christ's perfect design, no matter what storms we may face.

 |                   Let us not be mistaken - God's perfect design is not a lifeless and robotic system that operates on autopilot with obedient subjects. Rather, it is a dynamic and purposeful plan that requires our active participation, engagement, and willingness to surrender to His will. As we align ourselves with His vision and desires, we become active participants in the unfolding of His divine plan, allowing His power and grace to work through us and transform the world around us. It is through our willing submission to His guidance and direction that we are able to fully embrace our role as His representatives and live out the true potential of His perfect design for our lives.                               |

  • The process of transformation that occurs through Christ is not intended to reduce us to mere automatons following a predetermined path. Rather, it enables us to become more grounded and steadfast in our relationship with God. This is achieved through the manner, nature, and Spirit of God working within us, leading us towards a more fulfilling understanding of how His plan intersects with the reality of our lives.

    |                     The process of transformation that occurs through Christ is not intended to strip us of our individuality and render us as mindless automatons blindly following a predetermined path. Rather, it is an invitation to experience a profound and authentic freedom, one that is grounded in a deep and abiding relationship with our Creator. This transformational journey is characterized by an ever-deepening awareness of God's presence and a growing understanding of His perfect design for our lives. As we yield to His loving guidance and allow His Spirit to work within us, we are empowered to become fully alive, embracing all that God has called us to be, and living out His purposes in the world with passion, purpose, and authenticity. In this way, we become the vibrant, dynamic expressions of God's grace and love, embodying the fullness of His power and presence in the world.                         | 

It is crucial to avoid searching for God on the wrong footing, as doing so can lead to the suppression of His life within us.
This happens when we pursue our own undefined plans and strive to attain something from God through our own efforts, rather than relying on His promises and power. Such misplaced efforts can result in impulsiveness, mismanagement, and apathy in our faith. Instead, we must root ourselves in the biblical premise of the New Covenant, which is firmly grounded on God's promises and empowerments. This will enable us to build a thriving church model that is centered on Christ and His transformative power, rather than on human-made doctrines and reforms. 


|                       It is of utmost importance to be mindful of the approach we take in seeking God, for failure to do so can have dire consequences. When we embark on a quest to know Him without the proper foundation, we run the risk of inadvertently stifling His life that is intended to dwell within us. Such an outcome is antithetical to God's perfect design for us and can hinder our spiritual growth and development. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to approach our pursuit of God with a sincere heart and a deep reverence for His divine presence. Only then can we hope to experience the fullness of His life and power within us and thrive as a church model that is aligned with His new covenant fulfillment.              |


These declarations are intricately intertwined with the preceding verse highlights, as they delve into the core significance of placing one's trust in the unwavering promises and limitless power of God, even in the most arduous and trying of circumstances. Moreover, they elaborate on the sacred work of radical transformation that is wrought through Christ, the very embodiment of God's unconditional love and grace. These statements also shed light on the vital importance of a thriving church model that is deeply rooted in the bedrock of divine promises and empowerments, rather than in the fleeting and imperfect doctrines and reforms of humankind. Such a model fosters a deep and abiding faith that is based on the unchanging and unshakable principles of the New Covenant, a covenant that is established on the eternal love and sacrifice of Christ.


As we contemplate the dire state of humanity and the looming inevitability of its downfall, it is crucial to acknowledge that contrary to popular belief, those aligned with God are not relegated to the losing side. Despite the tumultuous landscape of collapsing systems, clashing ideologies, and fractured perspectives, there is a divine blueprint, a perfect design amidst the chaos, waiting to be unearthed and implemented. Romans 8 is giving us a lasting picture of this enduring freedom in a healed expression of how we relate to God's provision in this plan.

It is in the face of crisis and conflict that the true essence of God's design for His people is revealed. For it is through these very challenges that the faithful are tested, refined, and fortified in their convictions, becoming beacons of hope and catalysts for change in a world plagued by darkness and despair.

Indeed, the thriving church model, one that fully embodies the new covenant fulfillment and reflects God's perfect design for us, is not one that shies away from adversity, but rather embraces it as an opportunity to grow and thrive. It is a community rooted in love, compassion, and service, where each member is valued and empowered to fulfill their unique purpose and calling in life.

Such a church model embodies the very essence of Christ's teachings and exemplifies the transformative power of faith in action. It is a shining example of God's perfect design for humanity, one that holds the promise of redemption and restoration even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

In essence, the secret to thriving in a world fraught with turmoil and strife lies not in avoiding the battle, but in standing firmly on God's side and trusting in His perfect design. For it is only in this way that we can emerge victorious, resilient, and fully alive, even amidst the chaos of a fallen world.

Two perspectives to keep in mind when you study scripture.

Clinical Perspective:

"Not every theme in scripture is spiritual, and not every spiritual thing in scripture is meant for us to attain to spiritually."  "Its the method, manner and nature of how it is procured, and the intervention it is secured, not just detailing its demands, or exhaustive side of practice."

Our research tools tell us:
"The quote is well-developed and provides a thought-provoking perspective on the themes and spiritual aspects presented in scripture. It highlights the importance of discernment and understanding that not everything in scripture is meant to be applied to our personal spiritual journey. This quote encourages a nuanced approach to reading and interpreting scripture, rather than a one-size-fits-all mentality."

Our perspectives on scripture are not privately exclusive, but proprietary evidences of what they originally assert in their truest sense, while diverse in scope, are still distinct in how they are to be applied. Keep that in mind in New Covenant. We have to build on things that carry weight into developed themes that have the power to progress, not 
contraction or regression. Which is why we highlight a "subtle progression" backward often relating to fear.


  • The inevitability of a failing battle, the bleakness of our present circumstances, the limitations of our fallen nature, and the challenges that threaten to derail our progress are more likely to be considered clinical terms, as they describe tangible and observable aspects of our lives that can be analyzed and addressed through therapy, intensive workshops, intercession, or other forms of treatment in God's care of the churches vision.

Spiritual Perspective:
"The New Covenant invites us to partake in the fullness of God's spiritual blessings, to embrace the transformative power of His grace, and to experience the abundant life that Christ has promised us. As we abide in Him and allow His Spirit to renew our minds and hearts, we are empowered to walk in His ways, to live out His truth, and to reflect His love to the world."

"The New Covenant is not merely a set of principles to be intellectually understood, but a transformational relationship with God through Jesus Christ that empowers us to live out His will and purposes on earth."

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." - Isaiah 43:18-19

This passage highlights the transformative power of God's work in our lives through the New Covenant, as He makes a way for us even in the most challenging and barren of circumstances. It encourages us to let go of our old ways of thinking and being, and to embrace the newness and freshness of God's work in us.

So how do I personally connect with a spiritual intangible premise with something inter-relatable to my personal struggle, or situation:
 "The New Covenant is a divine promise of God's faithfulness and grace, a spiritual reality made tangible through Christ's sacrificial love and our unwavering trust in His unfailing promises. We engage this dynamic practically as a proving ground, helping us handle supernatural ideas in our perception, and revealed provision as we see Him work in them. Clarifying His Voice over His intended purpose of these interventions of mercy"

  • On the other hand, the empty promises of worldly power and influence, contrary prevailing views, the season of unwavering commitment to God's perfect design, and the chaos and turmoil that defines our world are more likely to be considered spiritual terms, as they refer to the intangible and subjective aspects of our lives that relate to our belief systems, values, and worldview.

Overall, both clinical and spiritual perspectives can be useful in identifying and addressing these terms, as they provide complementary insights into the complex nature of the human experience.


  • The process of transformation that occurs through our Lord Jesus Christ is not a mechanical one, reducing us to mere automatons following a predetermined course. Rather, it enables us to become more stable and sure-footed in our walk with God. It involves the manner, nature, and Spirit of God working within us to bring us to a fuller realization of His plan for our lives. This transformation is not about seeking God on the wrong footing, which leads to the suppression of God's life within us. Such a misguided approach involves striving to attain something from God without a clear understanding of His plan, and ultimately leads to impulsiveness, mismanagement, and apathy in our faith.


  • Through the New Covenant, God has made an irrevocable promise to His people to work in and through them, transforming them into the image of His beloved Son. This promise gives us unwavering confidence in God's perfect plan and His sovereign power to bring it to fruition, even in the midst of seemingly insurmountable circumstances.


  • The transformative work of God is the cornerstone of a thriving church model, firmly rooted in the biblical premises of the New Covenant. This model emphasizes the vital importance of seeking Christ and His empowering grace, rather than relying on human-made doctrines and reforms that are inherently flawed and incomplete.


  • We must trust in God's providential and omniscient plan, even in bewildering and tumultuous situations, holding firmly to His immutable promises and unwavering commitment to transform His children into the image of His Son. We must cultivate a flourishing faith, anchored in divine promises and empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit of God.


  • In the face of adversity and challenges, we must not react in fear, but instead rest in the perfect design of our Creator. God's eternal plan involves the complete expression of divine power through Christ within the hearts of individuals, culminating in the ultimate victory of His kingdom over all opposing forces.


  • The importance of enduring intervention from the hand of God during the church's most desperate hour cannot be overstated. As His ambassadors on earth, we are responsible for representing God's expression of power and being witnesses of His perfect design, even in the most trying of circumstances.


  • In conclusion, the insights provided by the New Covenant offer a blueprint for a thriving church model, firmly grounded in divine promises and empowerments, as opposed to human-made doctrines and reforms. We must cling to the promise of transformation and the empowering grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, as we press on towards the goal of Christ-likeness, which is the ultimate expression of God's perfect design for our lives.

"Our meager attempts at godliness, mere facades we cling to, fall short of the divine standard. These attempts are futile in the absence of God's presence. For it is only through His all-encompassing power that we can experience true transformation and fulfillment."

"To truly seek God is to seek Christ through the gift of repentance, the restoration of power, and redemption, leading to a foundation built entirely on Christ's fulfillment. This foundation produces a thriving faith, replete with promises of freedom, grace, and fulfillment in our pursuit of Christ, culminating in Christ-likeness. This pursuit is defined by the biblical premise of the New Covenant, and cannot be expressed in any other form."

"In the face of humanity's impending loss, those who choose to stand with God will not be defeated. Amidst the chaos, turmoil, and shattered worldviews, a divine plan is unfolding, designed to lead us to victory."

"Through Christ's perfect image and complete work, we are promised to partake in His divine nature. The plans of man are fleeting and transient, but God's plan is expressed through Christ's complete manifestation of divine power within the heart of the individual."

"We must not be limited by the darkness of the times or isolated by the evils enacted upon the body of Christ. Instead, we should be built up with enduring intervention from the hand of God in the most desperate hour of the church."

"The promise we continually speak of on this platform is the healing of our expression of the gospel power and freedom, allowing us to exercise our authority as believers to bring about true change and impact through a genuine fear of God.

It is of utmost importance for believers to rely solely on God's specific provision and unparalleled power, rather than on their transient plans or the pervasive darkness that may surround them."


on ROMANS 8:28-29

The assertions presented serve to affirm and expand upon the divine pledge that was previously espoused. These pronouncements underscore the idea that the omnipotent and omniscient God is continually and meticulously orchestrating His perfect design and plan for His people, even in the most arduous of circumstances. They emphasize the need for believers to repose their faith in God's immutable promises and to trust in His unwavering commitment to the ultimate transformation of His children into the image of His beloved Son.

Furthermore, these proclamations elucidate the crucial role of seeking and embracing Christ's empowerment in the cultivation of a flourishing faith, which is firmly rooted in the bedrock of divine promises. They underscore the imperative of anchoring oneself in the biblical premises of the New Covenant, rather than relying on human-made and inherently flawed reformations.

Moreover, these statements assert the indispensability of maintaining a steadfast and unwavering trust in God's providential and omniscient plan, even in the midst of bewildering and tumultuous situations. They emphasize the need for believers to depend entirely on God's boundless provision and power, rather than on their own limited, ephemeral plans or the darkness of the times.

In essence, these pronouncements are interwoven with the previous verse highlights, as they expound on the pivotal significance of confiding in God's promises and power, even in the direst of circumstances, and they further expatiate on the divine work of transformation that is accomplished through Christ. They also provide insights into the thriving church model that is firmly grounded on the bedrock of divine promises and empowerments, as opposed to human-made doctrines and reforms.

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  • #1

    Donna Kelce (Monday, 06 November 2023 00:58)
