
New Covenant Fulfillment- Part 9

2/27/2023 1:43pm "Monday Prayer Address: Prayer Insights.
More Founding Article mentions of our platform.

Personal Forward,

We hope this letter finds you well and that you are experiencing the peace that surpasses all understanding, which can only come from Christ directly. We trust that you are recognizing the magnitude of even the smallest impressions from God, even if they are not fully realized in their interventions, and how they demonstrate the New Covenant's impact on your heart, spirit, and genuine rest in His promises. These moves of God are lasting, enduring, and resilient, giving you longevity and pronounced effects on your continued building of faith. However, they can only occur when you freely surrender areas of your life to Him that are not representative of Him. God rewards you with an exchange of power for every pain, fear, and distress surrendered to Him in prayer. Your testimonies declare to the world that you will not live as a victim of self-defeat, and that you wholeheartedly submit to an accurate voice of God, meaning "God is with you," and His hand is firmly on your progress. This is how you generate thriving spiritual life on His fulfillment, and there is simply no mistaking the voice of God here. It's a distinction  becoming quickly known to all. 



We are writing to you today to remind you of the power of prayer and to encourage you to continue to extend your voice in prayer. We believe that prayer is not only a means of communicating with God, but also a way to build up our faith and to express the true and living Gospel witness through our words.

As you continue to rely on the genuine promises of God and to use the provision of Himself to build up your faith, you will find that your prayer life will take on new meaning, effectiveness and unity. This is evidence of functioning on the correct foundation that we teach here, which is the standard of Christianity. It is through this foundation that we experience the new covenant fulfillment and thrive as a church model.

We know that it can be difficult to stay focused on God's promises and to avoid the subtle progression of fear and fragmented expression. However, we want to remind you that God promises to keep you from falling into these traps. He will carry your words with His power and exchange the value He is giving you as you walk in agreement with Him.

We pray that you will continue to allow His Spirit to walk you through the steps and to receive a perfect representation of His image and strength in places where He is working miracles. Our prayer is that you will experience the unchanging voice of God in your storms and that you will find comfort and peace in His presence.

May you be blessed with His grace and mercy, and may your faith be strengthened as you continue to trust in Him.



"Lately, I've been feeling like a new person.

I am constantly encountering Christ and I have felt this tremendous peace.

I don't know how it happened...

I seem to be praying differently.

I pray longer and I use more advanced words.

I guess that is good?

I'm enjoying praying like that."

"When I feel lost...

When I feel the worst...

Just when I feel the Devil's taken over my life...

I hear that wonderful, wonderful, and booming voice...

And it's saying...

Who says you're defeated?

Who says you're alone?

I'm with you!

I am able!

Just Trust in me!

Then I realize...

I'm not alone...

I'm not lost!

God is able!"

We respond to a distinguished member who is on the frontlines of key importance in our world today. Karen Kingston, today We recognize your brave voice. Your specific commentary on your dynamic, and 'receiving' is directly in line with New Covenant Fulfillment, and a thriving promise of His ability in your heart. You cite our structure of new covenant with your glowing impression of the 'work' God is doing.

Extending your voice in prayer, and through dependency on genuine promises, using the provision of Himself to build up your faith- helping you pray beyond yourself with a true and living expression of Gospel witness in your words. A true 'evidence' of functioning on the correct foundation we teach here- that is the standard of Christianity: "Standard of witness' in our magazine cover. Those who act on this demonstration and allow His Spirit to walk you through the steps are receiving a perfect representation of His image, and strength on places He is working miracles on the promise, "He will keep you from falling into the subtle progression of fear, fragmented expression, to a solid structure where he now carries your words with His power...causing you to be ever exchanged on the value He is giving you as you walk in agreement. Your prayer life is taking on new meaning, effectiveness and unity in interacting with what God is defining in your heart"

We are thrilled to hear about your newfound peace and encounters with Christ. Your use of advanced language and longer prayer time are certainly positive signs of growth in your spiritual journey. Your experience is a direct reflection of the principles we teach here at our platform, which is rooted in the New Covenant Fulfillment and a thriving church model.

By embracing the promises of God and depending on His provision, you are tapping into the fullness of Christ's ability, which is a powerful force in your prayer life.

You are demonstrating the standard of Christianity that we promote in our magazine - a witness of His grace and power.

Your willingness to walk in agreement with God is allowing Him to carry your words with His power, resulting in a solid structure where fear and fragmented expression are replaced with a true and living expression of the Gospel.

  • This is a testament to the impact of our research on prayer insights and how it is positively impacting your testimony.


As you continue to interact with what God is defining in your heart, your prayer life will take on even greater meaning, effectiveness, and unity. You are truly experiencing the power of God's image and strength in your life, and we are excited to see how He will continue to work miracles on the promises He has made to you.

  • For the 'group' segments, the 'micro level', toward the corporate theme of what is taking place on our platform:

We are seeing God's promise to us on our platform to preserve and keep you with His power to overcome 'the raging storm of shame in the last days' by the very testimony created in Karen's and other' testimony of breakthroughs. 

Based on our recent prayer insights and notes, we can see that this statement highlights some of the key themes of new covenant fulfillment. It emphasizes the importance of extending our voice in prayer and relying on God's promises, which is consistent with our teachings on prayer as a powerful tool for communing with God and accessing His power.

Furthermore, it suggests that our prayers should be an authentic expression of the Gospel witness within us, demonstrating our faith and trust in God's provision. This aligns with our emphasis on the importance of faith in prayer and the role it plays in receiving from God.

The statement also speaks to the idea that by walking in agreement with God and allowing His Spirit to lead us in prayer, we can experience a perfect representation of His image and strength, which is consistent with our teachings on the importance of surrendering to God's will in prayer.

Finally, it highlights the transformative power of prayer, suggesting that through prayer, we can be transformed and strengthened, and our prayer life can take on new meaning and effectiveness. This reflects our teachings on the importance of consistent prayer and the role it plays in our spiritual growth and development.

There are numerous scriptural citations and biblical references that support the dynamics on prayer discussed in our newsletter and prayer insights. Here are some examples:


  • Prayer is an essential part of the Christian life and is encouraged throughout the Bible. Examples of this include Philippians 4:6-7, where we are instructed to pray with thanksgiving and present our requests to God, and James 5:16, which says that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. (The Word literally calls an effective, powerful, eternal expression of Christ's life in our progress- the basis of the Prayer of Faith a valid act and move of God He honors in your heart)
  • The importance of praying in alignment with God's will is emphasized in 1 John 5:14-15, which says that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us, and if we know that He hears us, we can be confident that we will receive what we asked for.
  • The role of the Holy Spirit in guiding our prayers is discussed in Romans 8:26-27, which says that the Spirit helps us in our weakness and intercedes for us when we do not know what to pray for.
  • The concept of praying persistently and with faith is discussed in several places in the Bible, including Matthew 7:7-8, which encourages us to ask, seek, and knock, and Mark 11:24, which says that whatever we ask for in prayer, believe that we have received it, and it will be ours.
  • The importance of praying in community is emphasized in several places, including Matthew 18:20, which says that where two or three are gathered in His name, He is there with them, and Acts 2:42, which says that the early believers devoted themselves to prayer and fellowship with one another.

    We want to make it clear that we are not a part of any prosperity movement, prophetic movement, televangelist presentation, or contemporary delusion of hypnotic proportions. Therefore, when explaining the references of New Covenant freedom, we use a stable and balanced approach that relies on the infallible context of biblical truth. This involves testing, evaluating, and patiently observing any move of God, as we wait for God to confirm His true involvement rather than relying on feelings or false claims. Grass-roots testimonies we have no control over is the most organic vetting algorithm since we are not telling people what to say with an ear piece, *clears throat*.
    I Personally sign my declaration to you all. God is moving here,
    ~Kevin Simon
  • New covenant fulfillment, thriving church model:
    We recognize in our our thread- receiving, believing and trusting in places of prayer for breakthrough means in accordance with Christ's invitation to prayer the prayer of faith, it means we are not just committing to God, obeying God on an unstable footing of empty dialogue, ceremony or obligation, it is based on His fulfillment, New Covenant provision that brings us into the power of Christ's administration, qualification and worthiness. All biblical mandates (where biblical islands, holiness movements misuse and distort the person of Christ in dead ceremony and letter of the law) We believe at CDCD Research, the promises of New Covenant fulfillment work in tandem to building you up into a thriving person of dynamic faith the prolongs and indeed saturates the involvement of divine power from His presence directly on every promise you hold onto and commit to Him through your weakness.

    God is expressing Himself faithfully, and consistently through His unchanging voice, to commend your faith on His terms of victory: the way in which we commit and obey in New Covenant is a different dynamic of just the act of committing, or obedience of itself. It takes on the form of invoking these very mandates on His enablement where He is giving you the power and victory of Himself to live in these truths beyond your natural strength, human expression and might. He is overamplifying the separating of things that are falling short in you, with the qualification of Himself through the Cross making His promises a living reality-and a genuine expression of His life on your least deserved or earned merits.


    At CDCD Research, we understand the importance of receiving, believing, and trusting in prayer for breakthroughs in accordance with Christ's invitation to pray the prayer of faith. It's not just a matter of committing to God or obeying Him out of a sense of empty dialogue, ceremony, or obligation. Instead, it's about recognizing the New Covenant provision that brings us into the power of Christ's administration, qualification, and worthiness.


In essence, our research emphasizes the importance of a thriving church model that is built on the foundation of New Covenant fulfillment.

By coming under His displays of how He represents Himself upon the way you receive the power of Christ's provision and administration, we can experience breakthroughs in prayer that go beyond our own abilities and understanding. Through this approach, we can live a life of dynamic faith that is marked by the transforming power of God in every aspect of our lives.
You can't be anymore Christ-like, surrendered, whole or complete than when God says to you, "Who Says?" Living in constant agreement of that will radically transform your prayer life to where you can say:

"I never knew this was a normal occurrence of Christian life, witness, and testimony. I can't be any more pleasing, loved, accepted, and under His love and protection than when the Scriptures most aptly conclude: 'I'm in Him - I'm complete in Him. I lack nothing but only in the personal struggles I give too much focus on where I could have simply been receiving the keys of power in my faith to pray with dynamic authority and bridge these places of distraction - where I'm most overwhelmed - but where God has those things most under His hand of support. I stop being reactive, start praying in position - in His worthiness and through His love - in every place God grants me power and provision in my circumstances to defeat every victim mentality!' This is officially the standard of brokenness defining us in our flesh and unbelief that He is promising to break and keep us from falling into as we move forward into His fullness."

"Every transformative dynamic of His peace in your storm is bringing you into His fullness, to dwell in what the Epistle of Jude calls defeating every shame and broken dependence. He exchanges and takes from what is hurting you, presents you complete and whole in Himself before the Throne of God, without those negative things spoken over you or having power over you before His Kingdom of Power!"


Key Themes:

  • Extending your voice in prayer through dependency on genuine promises is essential for building up your faith.

  • Praying beyond yourself with a true and living expression of Gospel witness in your words is evidence of functioning on the correct foundation of Christianity.

  • Allowing the Holy Spirit to walk you through the steps of prayer results in a perfect representation of God's image.

  • God works miracles on His promises and keeps His people from falling into fear and fragmented expression.

  • Walking in agreement with God's will results in being exchanged on the value He is giving you.

  • Your prayer life can take on new meaning, effectiveness, and unity as you interact with what God is defining in your heart.

Quotes: Enjoy Our Hand-written insights:
"Keys Of Power - redeeming old, impossible places we can't reach in ourselves." 
As a result, we can bridge the places of distraction, delusion, deception that overwhelm, knowing that God has them under His hand of support."

"Through this approach, we are able to experience a life of dynamic faith that is characterized by the transformational power of God in every aspect of our lives. When God asks us, "Who says?" and we live in constant agreement with Him, our prayer life is radically transformed."

"Using the provision of Himself to build up your faith- helping you pray beyond yourself with a true and living expression of Gospel witness in your words."

"Those who act on this demonstration and allow His Spirit to walk you through the steps are receiving a perfect representation of His image, and strength on places He is working miracles on the promise"

"We understand that we are complete in Him, lacking nothing, and that victim mentality has no place in our lives"

"We come to realize that what we once thought of as struggles are actually opportunities to receive the keys of power in our faith and pray with dynamic authority"

"We stop being reactive and start praying from a position of worthiness in Him, with His love guiding us in every circumstance"

"We believe that all biblical mandates, (not connected to those of which biblical islands and holiness movements have misused and distorted the person of Christ in dead ceremony and letter of the law) our platform works separate from them in stark contrast, to build you up into a thriving person of dynamic faith. The promises of New Covenant fulfillment serve to prolong and saturate the involvement of divine power from His presence directly on every promise you hold onto and commit to Him what breaks that expression through your weakness."


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