
"The importance of foundational values that benefit all aspects of life."

                                                                              OFFICIAL LETTER:

                             "The importance of foundational values that benefit all aspects of life."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          5/13/2023


It is 5:00am. I am up yet, writing a final follow up letter before I retire to bed.

I pray that each of you has felt my sincere effort to offer healing words of service to your tenures and esteemed positions. Your presence on this platform is an eye-opening encounter, and I revere that. You have witnessed an intentional, inviting, and gracious experience from me, and I hope you understand why so many are present.


Reconciliation is a virtue at CDCS Research.


I pray with all that is offered here I have invested in each of you to build rapport. While I cannot demand that you follow my example, I won't deny you the opportunity to do so. You all deserve class and fair treatment.


Many of you may find that I am inspired and not offset or overly troubled by the commentaries shared today or by our visitors themselves. The floor is open for recommendations, for hope, and for resolve. I don't want any of you to feel required to be something you can't be or something you can't reach. I see your baggage and the pain you carry, which costs others the privilege of getting to know you, not because of what you've done your whole life, but because of what has been missing your whole life.


I strongly encourage you to reflect on the earlier portions of my letter to keep us all in steady reflection, not only in comfort or at rest, but to solidify my concern. If your intention, which last night was embroiled in crippling anxiety or a moment of scoff, may, with a new day, be met with a firmer handshake on this platform. I understand that there are barriers that may be construed as an impossible feat of reason to let go.


Please consider that your voice is serving to frame history, furnishing the neutral formalities serving the forming partnerships here. People can gaze with wonder and see past differences that strike only an acceptable evaluation. You have a unique design, and you are a source of a master-class of propriety. In a healing process, you gain a clearer voice, not a reduced expression of it. We can all aspire to make steps of crossing over lines of doubt and mistrust, and I dare make that an order.


I intend to commit to patient endeavor to alleviate what troubles all of you the most, what separates and divides. Believe it or not, the act of coming here is not one I speak lightly of. I don't want any of you to feel cheated or unimportant in your station in life. Grassroots change, development, and expression of free speech is the agenda here, and I fully allow this right to flourish where people are under its firm grasp in what it is intended to do for a group, in a democracy, and under values that are not separate from our founding principles.


I'm proud of this statement: "While I chiefly subscribe to no other cause, I fully promote representation in a framework of powers in our nation's founding branches, with checks and balances. I don't see this as a political position, but a normal course of life many decided to draft into a formation of civilized, ethical and legal virtues to be a representation of a way of life on all levels of government. Providing opportunity, advancement and order."

This venue is a micro gift of support to those who cherish the opportunity as I see it. No one defines these rights. It is an internal human will, when under the administration, defined by God's interventions, advance us into a structure of wholeness. A dynamic of healed intervention and a new identity.


"A voice unleashed is a voice of satisfying irreconcilable realities being gifted to us in our full purpose in life."


Wouldn't it be wonderful if our common struggle were the basis of our meeting, and our point of contention the greatest source of unity in our perils?


We all have common enemies within ourselves, such as hurts, abuses, inadequacies, and missed opportunities, which leave us feeling defeated and trapped. We have gifts people don't respect. We had a chance no one gave us before. A mission we fell short of. A hand of support we rejected because of lost faith. And an offering was taken from us when we were sure it was ours. Sadly, we carry these broken values into our relationships, preventing us from experiencing the rewarding connections we although not always deserved, but it is a gift often we misuse. I would hate for the precious voice of the unheard to feel neglected or ignored because of the barriers of the heart excels at reflecting a root of separation, causing our own downfall.


Alright, we may call it the 'deep state', a 'political party', or an 'authoritative force' we prop up when something is infringing on our time and space, but ultimately, we are all trapped in a cruel cycle that we can break free from with a promise of redemption. Many are sick among you. Many are tortured by their choices. There are keys of power to relinquish you from your shameful dysfunctions, and fears in response over them, making you a victim of broken reasoning--and less of a positive friend as a result! I take a position of proactive hope and meaningful steps forward to nurture these movements. I leave nothing to idle chance or impulsive dynamics.


I invite you to consider creative, unconventional, and beyond-human-reason efforts to support advances in our discourse. I do not expect you to change overnight, but please consider my appeal. In times of crisis or storm, we need a true support when our light goes dim. I offer that my platform acts as a vibrant torch of freedom on this platform, held up over you as a message that you are valuable in God's eyes.  


So, You may have your prized safe-gaurds in place you don't want people accessing; and upholding your boundaries which assert dominance over points of argument you keep in place a bullet point of protest so no one gets near you-- as a punishment to opposing voices--but these also keep us from the benefits this fellowship grants to the 'undeserved', to the 'wronged,' and toward the 'unsuitable,' alike!


If you decide to seize a winning objective or course, we will celebrate each of you standing here today becoming people we champion. "If this happens in small steps, I am with you in those steps, however long it may take."

My door is open to you no matter what your name is, but I ask you to use this door in a structurally, intentionally and advantageous way!




                                         PREVIOUS LETTER

Dear, CDCS RESEARCH, Guests and Members.

While I'm observing the dynamic, and terrain, clouded by the wake of discontented fog. While, what has been unveiled here today remains uncertain, I see an occasion in which words may not be suitable, unless, that is, I harken yet to a grand reprieve. I call upon those present to the distinct talent of diplomacy. In the efforts I employ with you all in the worst of times, and when it least seems fitting!

I'm going to pull a crazy Ivan.
I ask you all one thing. With my periscope up: "I establish some terms you can entreat, since this is a public discourse."

"What are your requests? Intent?
Purpose overall in your abrupt, and untimely appearing on my esteemed platform?"

Is there a deep seeded need to be heard and respected, valued and loved behind the frailties of hostilities--and a real human need for interaction seen in the level of intensity felt as the commentary of today has been so soured?

How can the Wonderful Kevin Simon convey the best foot forward?

To best facilitate a healthy dialogue that opens the floor to constructive discourse and lays bridging options on the table, even in the face of tensions and divergent interests?

I speak in light of the great divide of parties, No doubt! I witness interests which so clearly collide this day. Yet I highlight the opportunity afforded all of us today in hopes of removing unpleasantries, and woe.

I pray my diplomatic offering is agreeable to all handlers, identities present, persons of interest, and the offices in which they hold--and sensitively, ones no longer held.

I want the fear, spirit of control and minimization to be on hold in favor of more dignified steps of empowerment to mend any strife for the moment.

What are your best offerings of intelligent communication to contribute to peace and unity?

What terms must be met for you to be comforted, and respected? Given a human voice of reason and unity, or a means for a healthy exit, and purpose you can feel has been met without harm in the process?

My platform creates bridges, establishes peace amidst the storms and stability through the Chaos. Will you all come to the table as men and women under our American Allegiances to the flag?

Kevin Simon

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman (Wednesday, 27 September 2023 21:37)
